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Many denied this contention of the leaders, asserting that the company was only a corporation and that any colonist had a right of appeal to England. Winthrop refused definitely to recognize this right, and measures were taken to purge the colony of these refractory spirits, among whom were Dr. Robert Child, one of the best educated men of the colony, William Vassall, and Samuel Maverick.

What became of Patches? Run, did he, when you appeared on the scene?" "Oh, no; he went away with a with a maverick." "Went away with a maverick? What, in heaven's name, do you mean by that?" "That's what your man Patches said the fellow was. Miss Reid told me his name was Joe Joe something." Phil was not laughing now. The fun of the situation had vanished. "Was it Yavapai Joe?" he demanded.

"Well, maybe, Brydges may have had him out in the forty horse power car! He sent a lot of awful rot East! That wasn't the worst of it. You'd think the Eastern fellows would know the difference between a maverick and a long-horn! He's been going round to the Eastern editors giving them doped stuff, lies dated out here written right down in New York!

But why I asked was this: if Miss Fuller's quite satisfied about you, she'll probably put her maverick brother in your charge. She came here not long ago with the object of finding out if I was suited for the post, and I imagined learned something about me in a quiet way. It was a relief when she obviously decided that I wasn't the proper man. The girl has intelligence.

But two young fellows whose social versatility included membership in the Mesquite Club, on the one side, and a free and easy acquaintance with habitués of the Maverick Bar on the other, sat over against the wall behind a card-table and spoke in lowered tones. They pretended to be interested in the usual movements of the place.

If there ain't that bandy-legged, crop-eared, broken-nosed auto Sealman came to offer Mrs. Gaylor last winter, and wanted to palm off on me!" he grumbled to himself. "How in creation did that maverick get hold of Mrs. May? Bet there've been bribes flyin' around somewhere."

In a brief interview with Jack, at the cabin, the previous evening, she had told him of her increasingly distinct recollections of her mother, of the angry words between Maverick and his wife which she had overheard, and of her search which she felt would yet result in her obtaining possession of the necessary proofs of her identity.

The Gold Dust maverick stood, half-afraid, at the other side of the corral. She had not yet wholly conquered her dread of him. She did not, however, offer to fight as she had done that morning when Skinny entered the enclosure. The Ramblin' Kid spoke to the filly and, as she began to move shyly away, with one toss threw the loop over her head.

"I've got some things to look after that'll keep me busy till dinner-time, and after that we'll put this maverick where he won't do no more spyin'." "How about breakfast?" asked Bert coolly. "You're not going to starve me to death, are you?" The outlaw looked at him with astonishment, not unmixed with a sort of grudging admiration. "Ye're a cool one," he responded after a moment's hesitation.

Twice he lifted the man's head and knocked it furiously against the floor, and each time he spoke, his voice a hoarse, throaty whisper: "So, this is the way you greet your son, you damned maverick!" he said. So engrossed was Calumet with his work of subduing the still struggling parent that he did not hear a slight sound behind him.