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Maurice was so delighted at finding a ready ally that the moment his cousin signified her willingness to help him, he began to fancy his difficulties were half removed, and had to be warned that only the first and least important step had been taken. "In the next place," Lady Dighton said, "we must consult Dr. Edwards." "What for," asked Maurice in some perplexity.

He had not left his wife behind him, as Stephen suggested, for she loved her husband too dearly to be parted from him, and Maurice brought her with him to his father's house. From her place on the sofa by the window, Adelais Cameron looked wearily out, watching for the coming of the one she loved most upon earth.

It was arranged that Lionel should say nothing about their journey until Captain Heraugiere had opened the subject to Prince Maurice. "You are back before your time," Sir Francis Vere said when Lionel reported himself for duty. "Has anything come of this project of yours, whatever it may be?" "We hope so, sir. Captain Heraugiere will make his report to Prince Maurice.

She imagined that the excuse I had made was invalid; for if, as Cassavetti inferred, his and my mysterious visitor had been off the premises before seven o'clock, I ought still to have been able to keep my appointment with her. Well, I would have to undeceive her later! "Don't look so solemn, Maurice," Mary said, as I seated myself beside her. "Tell me all about everything, right now."

Maurice, according to his instructions, told him that his master was gone out, but desired he would have the goodness to repose himself in the parlour, till the Count's return, which he expected every moment.

"We thought something had happened when Carlo, rushing back, came barking and pulling at our trousers; and as soon as we could catch our horses, in spite of the lameness of mine, we started off. We could not travel fast at night, but immediately day broke we galloped on; and I am thankful indeed, my dear Maurice, to find you uninjured but how did you get into this plight?"

She then stooped to do what she had sternly refused to do when her husband was in the hands of the authorities. Accompanied by the wife and infant son of Groeneveld she obtained an audience of the stern Stadholder, fell on her knees before him, and implored mercy and pardon for her son. Maurice received her calmly and not discourteously, but held out no hopes of pardon.

Instantly Jacky stopped crying: "You throwed away the present I give you," he said; "but," he conceded, "you may carry me." The doctor objected. "It isn't safe " "Oh, let's get it over," Maurice said, sharply; "I shan't see any children. It's safe enough! Anything to stop this scene!"

The ambassadors; with an Arab interpreter, were duly presented to Prince Maurice in the lines before the city of Grave.

"And yet, he has cause," returned Maurice, with violence which he could not control; "more cause than I trust he has of being jealous of any other man; and there may be, must be other men who aspire to love you. Your position, Madeleine, must expose you, at times, to impertinence; you must need protection." "I have a talisman within which protects me ever," answered Madeleine.