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"It would take more than France, Spain, Italy and all the rest of the dago nations to do the job!" spluttered Harry Rattleton, who could not keep still longer. "Maurel," said the Frenchman, speaking to his companion, "t'row ze insolent dog ovareboard!" "Oui, monsieur!" Quick as thought the man sprang toward Harry, as if determined to execute the command of his master.

Such an opera could interest none but an Elephant and Castle audience, and probably only the beauty of the music prevented it reaching the Elephant and Castle long ago. So low had "Don Giovanni" fallen, when, quite recently, serious artists like Maurel tried to take it more seriously and restore it to its rightful place.

Maurel is now once more on American soil, and doubtless intends remaining for a considerable period. My friend is also established in the metropolis. The two have met, not only once but many times indeed they have become fast friends.

And then Iago: "In the Maurel conception, Othello's Ancient was not painted black in black the heart of darkness, but with many nuances, many gradations. He was economical of gesture, playing on the jealous Moor as plays a skillfully handled bow upon a finely attuned violin. His was truly an objective characterization. His Don Giovanni was broadly designed.

He therefore replied to Lalande, that he would come to the bridge of Avene on that very day, the 12th May, at noon, and sent his letter by Catinat, ordering him to deliver it into the hands of the Catholic general himself. Catinat was worthy of his mission. He was a peasant from Cayla, whose real name was Abdias Maurel.

M. Vaucorbeil, the successor of Halanzier, visited Verdi at his home and succeeded in persuading him not only to give the performing rights to the national institution, but also to assist in its production. Maurel was the Amonasro of the occasion.

Maurel, it will be remembered, stuck a red feather in his cap; and the eternally wise critics agreed in thinking this absolutely wrong. They told him the feather was out of place it made him appear ridiculous, and so on.

After we had conferred for a long time, my friend summed it all up with the remark: "You know who, in my opinion, is the greatest, the dean of them all, a past master of the art of song Victor Maurel." Did I not know! In times gone by had we not discussed by the hour every phase of Maurel's mastery of voice and action?

"Othello," the last of the long and brilliant series of Verdi's operas, was completed in 1886, and first produced at the La Scala Theatre, Milan, Feb. 5, 1887, with remarkable success, Signora Pantaleoni, Signors Maurel and Tamagno taking the three leading rôles.

Every great artist has his own peculiar manner of accomplishing results his own vocal mastery. Patti had one kind, Maurel another, Lehmann still another. Caruso also may be considered to have his own vocal mastery, inasmuch as he commands a vocal technic which enables him to interpret any rôle that lies within his power and range.