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As to Grimaud, he received orders to place himself behind the four friends in order to reload their weapons. "Pardieu!" said Athos, "it was hardly worth while to distribute ourselves for twenty fellows armed with pickaxes, mattocks, and shovels. Grimaud had only to make them a sign to go away, and I am convinced they would have left us in peace."

At length, however, Lilly reached a part of the wall where a door appeared to have been stopped up, and playing the rods near it, they turned one over the other. "The treasure is here!" he exclaimed. "It is hidden beneath this flag." Instantly, all were in action. Quatremain called to his assistants to bring their mattocks and the iron bar.

With Hohenlohe came Prince Maurice, William the Silent's son, a lad of eighteen. With wool sacks, sandbags, planks, and other materials the patriots now rapidly entrenched the position they had gained, while a large body of sappers and miners set to work with picks, mattocks, and shovels, tearing down the dyke.

Then they had to take pickaxes and mattocks, chisels and spades to chop down the parent stem and uproot the smallest leader from the roots. Gorse is very tenacious of life. A root of only a few inches will spring up to a great tree in an incredibly short time, especially on virgin soil fertilized by many burnings. They had faces perpetually blackened by smoke.

The Xylocopa, in order to pierce wood and to bore its galleries in an old rafter, employs "the same utensils which in others are transformed into picks and mattocks to attack clay and gravel, and it is only a predisposition of talent that holds each worker to his speciality."

His aunt came into the woodshed where they were getting out their mattocks and brush hooks and said: "There are a few things I wanted to get in town to-day, Joe, so I'll take the car and drive in." "Why, you can't drive yet, Bettie," declared her astonished husband. "Oh, yes, I can," she laughed. "I have my license, too. I learned last summer.

But the physicians said that by the urine they could discern no manifest sign of the bustard's pace, nor how to eat double-tongued mattocks with mustard, unless the lords and gentlemen of the court should be pleased to give by B.mol express command to the pox not to run about any longer in gleaning up of coppersmiths and tinkers; for the jobbernolls had already a pretty good beginning in their dance of the British jig called the estrindore, to a perfect diapason, with one foot in the fire, and their head in the middle, as goodman Ragot was wont to say.

It was near here that Legrand had found the treasure. He had come to Charleston to buy the mattocks and picks no, it was Jupp the negro who had come to buy them. She turned to Miss Pinckney. "Did you ever read a story called 'The Gold Bug' by Edgar Allan Poe?" she asked. "It is about a place near here Sullivan's Island that's it I remember now." "Why, I knew him," said Miss Pinckney.

Presently, however, we are aware of a gap, a huge hiatus in the performance; a grave, and yet no grave, for the whole churchyard scene, with its quaint and exquisite philosophy, the rude wit of the gravediggers, and the pointed moralising of the prince, are all wantingall swept away by the ruthless hand of the critic; skulls and bones, picks and mattocks, wit and drollery, diggers, waistcoats and all!

Another very ancient tool referred to in the Bible and in Homer was the File, which was used to sharpen weapons and implements. Thus the Hebrews "had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads."