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It seems there is the most wonderful boy friendship between them." "Where did you get all this insight into the social life of our employees?" asked Judge Tiffany; and then, "Mattie, you've been exposing yourself to the night air again." "Over at their camp last evening," said Mrs. Tiffany. "Well, and isn't it my business to look after after that side of the ranch?" she added.

And now the day was come when Mattie was to be married to Mr. Gusher. It was three years to-day since Tite bid her good-bye and sailed on his voyage, and it was to be her wedding-day. How strange the changed scene seemed to her. It was one of those soft and balmy mornings in May, when nature seems to enchant us, and hold sweet communion with us through all her beauties.

Then there were Nellie Atterbury, and Janet Mudge, and Polly and Mattie Dexter; there certainly was no lack of active young teachers for the Sunday-school, and Phebe was well content to remain passively aside, as of old. But, as Mrs. Lane remarked, there were no drones allowed in Mr.

The kitchen was a poor place, not "spruce" and shining as his mother had kept it in his boyhood; but it was surprising what a homelike look the mere fact of Zeena's absence gave it. And he pictured what it would be like that evening, when he and Mattie were there after supper.

"Oh, it's fun. I don't get a chance to do anything so exciting very often." Herman clicked his tongue. "Exciting? Well, well!" "You must remember things are slower here," Mattie explained. She came to light much younger than Stacey thought her. She was not eighteen, but her supple and splendid figure was fully matured.

And in her own mind Miss Mouse decided that once she was sure poor Bob was safe, she would tell Aunt Mattie 'all about it. 'I don't think that would be a wrong kind of tell-taleing, she decided. 'It wouldn't be right not to tell, for Justin shouldn't have risked poor Bob's getting into trouble. I'll tell auntie everything, and then she'll know how to do without making Justin angry with Bob.

It was a strange and curious meeting. Mattie saw there was something embarrassing between the two gentlemen, and came quickly to their relief. "I am Mr. Romer's partner for the first dance," she said, addressing Mr. Gusher, with a bow. "It was very thoughtless of me. You were so very kind. But I am sure you are too generous not to excuse me." "It is my great misfortune, miz.

And it would be no use to call this story "Mattie Adams's Romance" because Mattie Adams is not a romantic name either. But names have really nothing to do with romance. The most exciting and tragic affair I ever knew was between a man named Silas Putdammer and a woman named Kezia Cullen which has nothing to do with the present story.

They finished supper, and while Mattie cleared the table Ethan went to look at the cows and then took a last turn about the house. The earth lay dark under a muffled sky and the air was so still that now and then he heard a lump of snow come thumping down from a tree far off on the edge of the wood-lot.

What with your kindness and these little visits you've been good enough to let me make every week, I feel I may say it's been the happiest summer of my life, and I'm never going to forget it, but as I said, it's time for me to be moving on elsewhere and finding something else to do." "There is something for you to do right here if you will do it," said Mattie faintly.