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Its three newspaper bellwethers Samuel Bowles, Horace White and Murat Halstead were especially well known to me; so were Horace Greeley, Carl Schurz and Charles Sumner, Stanley Matthews being my kinsman, George Hoadley and Cassius M. Clay next-door neighbors.

Under this apprehension he made the signal for engaging, while that for the line of battle was still displayed; and this inconsistency naturally introduced confusion. The fight was maintained with great vivacity by the few who engaged. The Real being quite disabled, and lying like a wreck upon the water, Mr. Matthews sent a fire-ship to destroy her; but the expedient did not take effect.

"If she's a lost child she ought to be restored to her people, and travelling along the 'pike we can't keep the showmen from finding her." Bobaday and Corinne gazed pensively at the stump fire, wondering how grown folks always saw the difficulties in doing what you want to do. J. D. Matthews spread his supper upon a log.

Booth suspect his memory more than the former; for it was very possible that she might have changed her name; but he hardly thought she could so far have changed her nature as to be guilty of a crime so very incongruous with her former gentle manners: for Miss Matthews had both the birth and education of a gentlewoman.

"I won't get out. You can't put me out, even if you do own the place." "I'll I'll " choked Hardman, his body leaping with rage, his face growing purple under his beard. Then he turned to Matthews. "Throw this drunken cowboy out." That focused attention upon the sheriff. Pan read in Matthews' eyes the very things he had suspected.

Speaking in it of the influence of Father Matthews, Miss Edgeworth says: "Since the time of the Crusades, never has one single voice awakened such moral energies; never was the call of one man so universally, so promptly, so long obeyed. Never, since the world began, were countless multitudes so influenced and so successfully diverted by one mind to one peaceful purpose. June 11.

Among hostages taken here by the Germans were R.V. Kuser, head of the Trenton Brewing Company; General Wilbur F. Sadler, president of the Broad Street Trust Company; Colonel E. C. Stahl, a Civil War veteran and the father of Rose Stahl; also the Roman Catholic Bishop James F. McFaul and the Episcopal Bishop Paul Matthews. Many Trenton women, including Mrs. Karl G. Roebling, Mrs.

Digby shook the man's hand from his arm and, as he turned to follow him, asked hoarsely: "Where is she now?" "Who?" "My wife of course Mrs. Trotter." "Well, you're a bird!" exclaimed his guardian. "How about Mrs. Matthews?" "Good Heavens, what have I done I I look here, man. It's a mistake " "No, you don't mistakes don't go. A man ought to know his own name."

Doctor Matthews would not mention it if he happened to meet Miss Remson. That's not his way." "Glad to hear it. It lifts a weight from my mind. I've only one more year at Hamilton after this. My father expects me to be graduated with honor. He would never forgive me if I were to be expelled from Hamilton at this late date." Leslie was moved out of her usual indifferent pose.

Professor Herman Brierly was given the powers and privileges necessary for an independent investigation. Less than an hour after the receipt of the telegrams, Professor Brierly, accompanied by McCall, Matthews and Jimmy Hale, was at the office of the medical examiner, who was charged with making the official report on deaths by other than natural means. Dr.