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Of course, papa has stayed over in Springfield for something; only he's usually so careful about telegraphing us if he changes his plans " She faltered, and let the book drop. Matt picked it up for her, and began to look at the time-table, at first to hide the pain he felt at the self-discouragement in which she ended, and then to see if he might not somehow be useful to her.

Of him likewise our Lord said: "I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel!" * Matt. viii. 8. We are to argue our case with God, not indeed to convince Him, but to convince ourselves.

As if in scorn of his unfitness, Reid had picked up his gun and put it back in its sheath. What would Joan say about this affair? What would Tim Sullivan's verdict be? He had not come off even second best, as in the encounter with Matt Hall, but defeated, disgraced. And he would have been robbed in open day, like a baby, if it hadn't been for Reid's interference.

Take it and put it in the vault, and when my grandson is twelve years old give that press clipping to his mother and tell her I said she was to read it to the boy and make him learn it by heart. I won't be on hand to do the Americanizing of that youngster myself, and most likely Matt Peasley will be too busy to think much about it, so I'm taking no chances.

When Uncle Matt opened the door for them Judge Rutherford seized his hand and shook it vigorously. The Judge was in the mood to shake hands with everybody. "Uncle Matt," he said, "we're going to get it through, and in a week's time you'll be a rich man's servant." Matt fled back to Miss Burford trembling with joy and excitement. "Do ye think we is gwine t'rough, ma'am?" he said. "D'ye think we is?

I got in the habit of thinking of expense when I was young, and I've never gotten over it. You know how a habit gets a grip on a man, don't you, Matt? Oh, if you had only overruled me when I decided to save money by cutting out the wireless on the Narcissus! I remember now you wanted it, and I said: 'Well, what's the use?

It will be one of the startling events of the end of the age, after the Church has been removed from the earth. During these years of trouble, judgment, and great tribulation, God will give a final witness to all nations. Of this our Lord speaks in Matt. xxiv:14, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come."

Have we not to bow in shame before God, as we think of so much of the carnal in our hearts and lives? Then let us bow in great faith in God's mercy. Deliverance is nigh, deliverance is coming, deliverance is waiting, deliverance is sure. Let us trust; God will give it. Matt. 16: 24. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

"But I don't know but there would be an obscure and negative justice in such action. It would be right for the company to accept the property, if it was right for Northwick's daughter to offer it, and I think it is most unquestionably right for her to do that." "Do you, Matt? Well, well," said Hilary, willing to be comforted, "perhaps you're right.

"You said you learned to obey in the navy," Matt suggested. "What's the matter with obeying my last order?" "All right, Matt. I'll obey. But remember, I have given you fair warning. If I move into your cabin to-day, I'll not move out when the relief skipper comes." "I'll take a chance," said Matt Peasley. While the capable Mr.