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The good such a man does the whole world is but the knife in his hand wherewith to hurt the one. But Bosio hurt only himself, and little, at that, for he was almost past hurting; and Matilde never knew what he felt.

They were a gloomy couple, in their black clothes, under the green light, with harassed, mask-like faces. One night, Matilde came in very late. She trod softly on the polished floor, wearing felt slippers. "Elettra sleeps in her dressing-room," she said in a low voice. Macomer looked up, and the twitching of his face began instantly, as though he were going to laugh.

Matilde and Bosio were left alone for a moment, but they knew that the count would return at once. They stood still, looking each at the other, with very different expressions.

When she entered the drawing-room, the other three were already there, and she saw the faces of Matilde and Bosio change as they caught sight of the flower. Gregorio apparently knew nothing of the arrangement another instance of Matilde's tact which pleased Veronica. Matilde herself was no longer pale.

BRUNO. Bueno, iré; pero lo mismo me ha dicho usted en otras ocasiones, y luego la tal felicidad se vuelve agua de borrajas. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. Iré, iré, no hay que atufarse por eso. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Estos criados antiguos, que nos han visto nacer, se toman siempre unas libertades!... DON EDUARDO. En justo pago de las cometas que nos han hecho, o de las muñecas que nos han arrullado.

"No," answered Matilde, still looking away from him, towards the photographs on the mantelpiece. "I am afraid of those things. They get into the system, as arsenic does, and mercury, and such things." "Not at all," said Macomer. "You are quite mistaken. That is the peculiarity of those vegetable those strong vegetable medicines.

"There was what?" asked Bosio, in an unsteady tone. "There was just the bare possibility that she might die before January," said Matilde, almost in a whisper. "People die young sometimes, you know very young. It pleases Providence to do strange things. Of course it would be most dreadful, if she were to die, would it not? It would be lonely in the house, without her.

Then making a kind of raft with a few logs they got over to the Island. There they found boats which took them to the city. And they immediately spread the news of what they had seen." "What had they seen?" queried the excited women. "You are provoking, Matilde, with your long story." "You will not believe me." "I'll believe everything," said one. "I'll believe nothing," said another.

DOÑA MATILDE. Verdad es que.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Clementina! MARQUESA. Perdona, Matilde; pero es un lance tan gracioso ... ¡ja, ja!... ¡tan inesperado! DOÑA MATILDE. Inesperado no; y acuérdate que siempre te juré que no me casaría sino a gusto mío, y con quien no tuviera nada. MARQUESA. , es cierto ... también yo lo juré, si mal no me acuerdo, y ya ves cómo lo he cumplido ... ¡pobre Matilde!

She walked more and more cautiously as she came to the other end of the long apartment, where Veronica lived, and she stopped in a dark corridor before the door of Elettra's room. It was not ajar this time, but closed. Matilde did not hesitate, and began to turn the handle very slowly. Then she pushed the door and looked in, shading her candle with her hand, from her eyes, so as to look over it.