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Billy made another cut at the bird, hewing off a good slice of the plump breast, which he laid on to the smaller side, giving it a flap with his blade to make it stick, and then passed it over. "There," he said, "that's fair; so here goes to begin. Hullo, matey, won't you bite?" he continued to the dog. "There, then, you can amoose yourself with them till your betters is done."

I'm English, I am, and I arn't going to sit down and be kicked by a Frenchman, 'tarn't likely." "No, matey, it arn't. But lookye here. He's forrard and down in the forksle, and as soon as you get the feeling back in your legs " "Ay, you may say that, mate. They're like a mask o' cold lead." "Then I'll rub them for you, and then you can go and strike him back." "What! now he's down.

Instinct told Finn on the instant that he must at all hazards avoid both the stick and the chain; but, more than anything else, the chain. "Come 'ere!" said Matey. And Finn came.

So, after his own fashion which one really hesitates to call brutal, because brutes rarely, and probably never, indulge in pointless, unnecessary ferocity Matey had been successful.

At the very moment of his arrival one shift was completed, and the men immediately proceeded to make the most infernal uproar, hammering on metal and shouting for food and brandy. A huge cauldron full of beef and potatoes was dragged in. Pelle was told off to join a mess of ten men. "Eat, matey!" they said. "Hungry, ain't you? How long had you been out of work before you gave in?"

Do you see that there ship? a frigate she is; and, whenever there's a King's ship in the Mersey that means that it's more wholesome for the likes of us to lie low. You take a hint, matey, and don't be about Liverpool to-night, or until she's gone.

"As fast as we could," said Mr Brymer, and I threw open the door. "Below there, matey!" cried Bob Hampton. "How are you?" There was a curious growling noise and a loud rap on the cabin-floor. "Easy, my lad, and I'll cast you off. Wait till I get hold of the knots. Frenchy's under hatches, and things is all right again."

Carlsen talked sense. Here you are on the road to a fortune. I'll see yore share's a fair one. There's plenty. It ain't a bad billet you've fallen into, my lad. But I'll look out for ye. I'm sort of responsible for yore trip, ye see, matey. And I'll need ye." He lowered his voice mysteriously. "Yo're a writer, Mister Rainey. You've got brains. You can see which way a thing's heading.

His eye shone for a moment with the light of battle. "Got summink ter tell you," he whispered under cover of the noise. "Summink wot ought ter interest yer, I don't fink. 'Ave ter keep till evenin'. Eh, Bill?" "Right you are, matey." Cleek's voice rose loudly as the overseer passed, pausing a moment to watch them at work. "Nice job this, I must sy. Arfter me own 'eart, strite it is.

But as I stood trembling and holding up one light, the white face moved and the eyes blinked. "What's the matter?" cried Mr Brymer, loudly. "Go and see, Mr Frewen." The doctor took a few steps and joined us, saw the figure, and said sharply "Another prisoner?" "No, sir; can't he; 'cause he's fastened hisself in," replied Bob. "Why, matey, what are you doing here? I thought you was a ghost."