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Old man, I tell you, it was like a possession." "I believe you," I said. For Terence O'Malley all his life had never understood half measures. "The friendly and flowing savage, who is he? Is he waiting for civilization, or is he past it, and mastering it?"

Fulton, senior, removed to the town of Lancaster, where he died in 1768, and there young Robert grew up under the care of his mother. He learned to read and write quickly, but did not manifest much fondness for his books after mastering his elementary studies.

Nevertheless, mastering his fears, Jonathan contrived to speak up with a pretty good appearance of spirit. "Indeed, friend," he said, "thou appearest to forget that I am a man of twice thy bulk and half thy years, and that though thou hast a knife I am determined to defend myself to the last extremity.

A walk, moreover, might calm the fever which was burning his hands, in the passion of charity which ever since the morning had been mastering him more and more, in proportion as he encountered fresh and fresh obstacles. He now had but one pressing desire, to complete his good work, since success henceforth seemed certain.

Tesla was replying, not so fawningly, the bay beneath his soft words mastering his sycophantic tones. Let him talk. He had something to talk about. He saw something. There was a new tableau in Tesla's brain. Let him keep murmuring things about it suavely, unctuously letting off steam. Like a man returning drearily to his game of solitaire, Dorn fastened his eyes again upon the scene.

He said it half laughingly, but there was something to think about in what he said: "I'm just picturing, Linda, what a nice old lady you will be by the time that high school kid of yours spends four years in college, one on the continent, and the Lord knows how many at mastering a profession." Linda looked at him with widened eyes. "Why, what are you talking about, Peter?

It was his habit when he bought a book which was generally an old one allowing of this addition to have some pages of blank paper bound into it. These he filled with notes, chronological tables, or such other supplementary matter as would enhance the interest, or assist the mastering, of its contents; all written in a clear and firm though by no means formal handwriting.

It seems like blood-money, my takin' five shillin' and handin' the child over at his tender age and me his own mother that nursed en! Here Mrs Halloran, whose emotions had been mastering her for some moments, broke down in a violent fit of sobbing; and this so affected her offspring that he emitted a noise like the hoot of a dog.

Francis Horner, in laying down rules for the cultivation of his mind, placed great stress upon the habit of continuous application to one subject for the sake of mastering it thoroughly; he confined himself, with this object, to only a few books, and resisted with the greatest firmness "every approach to a habit of desultory reading."

When I am learning and mastering French, and getting through my music creditably, and, in short, going through the usual curriculum of work, I feel interested; but I also have a delightful sense that if I work for so many hours I am entitled to play for so many hours." "Oh, bother the play," interrupted Bessie. "You see, Bessie Challoner, that is the difference between us.