United States or Gibraltar ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

No!" and consignment of the constitution to a nameless locality. "A venture to suggest that a committee be appointed, consisting of Brothers Sykes, Macnamara and the chairman, wi' poors tae add, tae go into this maitter with Captain Maitland and report." It was a master-stroke.

Turning his happy face to me, he shouted exultingly, "How's dat fer high?" a bit of slang he had picked up, and his use of which never failed to make me smile. "High" it was indeed a master-stroke. It must have pierced the creature's heart, for he immediately began to spout blood in masses, and without another wound went into his flurry and died. Then came the reaction.

Its master-stroke in its struggle with priestcraft the substitution of "faith" for "works" as the basis of salvation has done little or nothing to relieve the West from the deadly pressure of Israel's philosophy.

Next, New York devised its master-stroke, the Erie Canal. Gouverneur Morris and De Witt Clinton saw the opportunity which the Mohawk-Hudson cleft in the Appalachian barrier offered, and the state rose to it. Digging was begun in 1817, and in 1825 the first barge passed from Lake Erie to the Hudson.

A rare foil a perfect hit Have a care Ah! there comes my old blow That is right Old Sir Henry's master-stroke There one of your new French backstrokes but it told Oh! have a care The Saints guard Ay There Follow it up! Hurrah for Lynwood!" as Fulk tottered, slipped, sank on one knee, and receiving a severe blow on the head with the back of the sword, measured his length on the ground.

"No doubt," thought I, "a pill-vendor's wife...." Running through all my thoughts, surging out like a refrain, was my uncle's master-stroke, his admirable touch of praise: "Make it all slick and then make it go Woosh. I know you can! Oh! I KNOW you can!" Ewart as a moral influence was unsatisfactory.

"I am as yet in ignorance of the cause to which I may ascribe these compliments, M. le marechal, which I greatly fear surpass my poor merits; and which even you will be compelled to retract them when I am better known to you." "Fear it not, madame," said he, "your commencement is a master-stroke; and the letter you yesterday addressed to the comtesse d'Egmont "

Under all the circumstances he considered it best to be false to everybody and strike for no hand but his own, and with that reconsidered end in view he decided on a master-stroke.

They had known each other for more than two months; two months of almost daily, unconventional contact, but this was the first time she had called him Brent. It came now as a master-stroke for true understanding, and he threw back his head and laughed. "My, but you're a corker beg pardon I mean a live wire!"

Here is a chance for a master-stroke. A single simple act will preach to the crowds. "You'll come down in the midst of an open-mouthed, admiring crowd." The devil loves the spectacular, the theatrical. He is always working for striking, stagy effects. How many a man has yielded to the religious temptation! He is taken up in the air, and seems to float among ethereal clouds.