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She wished to be able to explain to them that she was not at all to blame that she, who was so young and so insignificant, was to undergo such a martyr's death, and that so much trouble should be made on her account. Like a person who is actually accused of a crime, Musya sought justification.

The fire of heresy continued to smoulder, exploding occasionally in insurrection, occasionally blazing up in nobler form, when some poor seeker for the truth, groping for a vision of God in the darkness of the years which followed, found his way into that high presence through the martyr's fire. But substantially, the nation relapsed into obedience, the church was reprieved for a century.

Several pioneers familiar with the facts of the tragedy at the time of its occurrence were also present. "The Martyr's Plot," the last resting place of these devoted servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, is a beautiful spot, on the hillside, in the Presbyterian Cemetery at Walhalla.

Is that Being my friend, who suffers me to be born and to grow up, and leaves me tied to the martyr's stake, with very few real joys, and finally kills me, innocent or guilty, as surely as I am born?

My highest joy is to proclaim him before men; to die for him will be my noblest act, and the martyr's crown my most glorious reward." Lucullus said no more, for he found that all persuasion was useless. The remainder of the time was passed in conversation about other things. Marcellus did not waste these last precious hours which he passed with his friend.

Certainly not!" he returned, with considerable excitement. "All we want is a band of saints, of justified souls, of men fitted for the martyr's crown." "Oh, that's all, is it, Sir? Well, shall we get into the cars? There they are." The train was full, and our party had to scatter, but Mr. Riley and I got seats together. "I have not seen you at our meetings, Sir," he continued.

Who would not say, while we see him offering comfort to the weak and aged partners of his horrible crime, while we hear his ejaculations of prayer, that seem to bubble up out of the depths of his heart, and fly heavenward, unawares, while we behold a radiance brightening on his features as from the other world, which is but a few steps off, who would not say, that, over the dusty track of the Main Street, a Christian saint is now going to a martyr's death?

True, I might have goaded them into slaying me; I might have suffered as a martyr; but, at the least, I would have deserved the martyr's crown. And now I was to perish at the stake, without even the precious consolation of being a real martyr, and was to be flogged into the bargain.

She was no saint: affected no martyr's pose: had never, since her departure from the convent within whose walls she left her babe, sought the consolation of religion. Child of the world, in a sense, she must always be; but she was also a woman, softened far more than she herself dreamed.

Then I told him of the Great Rebellion, and how, amid the tumult of the next fifty years, the Grim Marquis Gillespie Grumach, as his squint caused him to be called Montrose's fatal foe, staked life and fortunes in the deadly game engaged in by the fierce spirits of that generation, and losing, paid the forfeit with his head, as calmly as became a brave and noble gentleman, leaving an example, which his son already twice rescued from the scaffold, once by a daughter of the ever-gallant house of Lindsay, again a prisoner, and a rebel, because four years too soon to be a patriot as nobly imitated; how, at last, the clouds of misfortune cleared away, and honours clustered where only merit had been before; the martyr's aureole, almost become hereditary, being replaced in the next generation by a ducal coronet, itself to be regilt in its turn with a less sinister lustre by him