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When the widow of Martino Consalvi married young Corbario, people shook their heads and said that she was making a great mistake. Consalvi had been dead a good many years, but as yet no one had thought it was time to say that his widow was no longer young and beautiful, as she had always been.

We read of him sending for twelve men of all classes and various crafts, and, laying the case before them, refounded a charity Provveditori dei poveri vergognosi, which soon became in the mouth of Florence I Buonomini di S. Martino, the good men of S. Martin, for the society had its headquarters in the Church S. Martino; and, was not S. Martino himself, as it were, the first of this company?

Ah, Martino, be merciful!" she pleaded. "For thee I will be all woman henceforth, soft and tender and very gentle thine always! Oh, be merciful " "No," I cried, "not this! Be rather your other self, curse me, revile me, fetch the sword and fight with me " "Fight thee ah, no, no! The time for this is passed away.

And if I did grieve thee 'twas but that I might cherish and comfort thee for thou art mine and I thine henceforth to death and beyond! Look, Martino! See how I do love thee!"

One thing you must say, and that is that, even when I have sinned most against her, I have never forgotten her; nay, that the memory of that happy time when she was fain to call herself my Laura moved me to ride forth to Treviso, where, in the chapel of the Franciscan Brethren, there may be seen a head of the true Laura done by the limner Simone di Martino, the friend of Petrarca, a right worthy work of art.

The two men in her heard, and came towards the shore. A few minutes later, with money in their pockets, and set but cheerful faces, they were rowing with all their strength in the direction of Naples. That afternoon Artois, wishing to distract his thoughts and quite unable to work, went up the hill to the Monastery of San Martino.

They would not go to San Martino this time, rather to Cortina some new place that had no memories! She moved from the window, and busied herself with a bowl of flowers. She had heard that humming sound which often heralded her husband's approach, as though warning the world to recover its good form before he reached it. In her happiness she felt kind and friendly to him.

And yet greater than this horror they were preparing for him was the horror of losing his immortal soul by a breach of the solemn oath he had sworn. Gian Maria turned from him, at last, to his bravi, who now entered silently and with the air of men who knew the work expected of them. Martino mounted the bed, and swung for an instant from the framework of the canopy.

The Vaudois were now in three divisions; the larger part in the valley of San Martino, another body next in number who were scouring the valley of Angrogna, and the third and smaller division at Serre de Cruel over Bobbio. This last detachment destroyed the convent of Villaro lest it should be turned into a fortress.

"Martino mio!" said she at last, and sure this pen of mine may never tell all the languorous caress of these two words; and then, or ever I might speak or stir, she was beside me and had caught my hand to her lips.