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And I'm a lot more interested in finding things out than I am in my reputation." She glanced across the room, to where Tony Lattimer was sitting with Gloria Standish, talking earnestly, while Gloria sipped one of the counterfeit martinis and listened.

Of a hundred rifles, which the Utman Khels had surrendered, nearly a third were condemned Government Martinis, and displayed the Government stamp. Now no such rifles are supposed to exist. As soon as they are condemned, the arsenal authorities are responsible that they are destroyed, and this is in every case carried out under European supervision.

What do you say to martinis?" The other agreed, and they moved over to the bar. A monstrously fat woman stood behind it, like some bloated spider, and a thin, weedy-looking girl assisted her. A couple of men were already there. It was too early for official drinks, but the Bretagne knew no law. They ordered their drinks, and stood there while madame compounded them and put in the cherries.

You'll marry me if I keep on working my head off and drinking Martinis?" After each question he paused, while she nodded an affirmation. "And you'll marry me right away?" "Yes." "To-day? Now?" "Yes." He pondered for a moment. "No, little woman, I won't do it. It won't work, and you know it yourself.

It isn't that at all." "Well, then oh, our dry Martinis! How much is it, waiter?" "Two shillings, sir." "Two thank you. Well, then, Craven, I affirm that Lady Sellingworth is as much a Georgian as any young person who writes bad poetry in Cheyne Walk or paints impossible pictures in Glebe Place." "She would deny that.

Neither of the young men acknowledged the bow or the greeting, although it was evident that the waiter was an old acquaintance. The symphony in brown did not even turn his head. "Two dry Martinis," he said. "And mind that they ARE dry. Have Charlie make them himself. If that other fellow does it I'll send them back." "Yes, sir. All right, sir. Will you have a bit of lunch with them, sir?

The enemy's strength was computed to be from a thousand to twelve hundred men. Of these, five hundred were Umra Khan's men, who were armed with Martinis. Many of the others carried Sniders. The whole of the Chitralis had now joined Sher Afzul, most of them doubtless being forced to do so, by fear of the consequences that would ensue should they refuse.

So he marches with the Chief to a great big plain on the top of a mountain, and the Chiefs men rushes into a village and takes it; we three Martinis firing into the brown of the enemy. So we took that village too, and I gives the Chief a rag from my coat and says, ‘Occupy till I come’: which was scriptural.

Here you sit, day after day, swallowing Martinis " He paused to finish his own, then resumed: "Here you sit, day after day, intellectually stultified, unemotionally ignorant of the higher and better life " "No, I don't. I've a book upstairs that tells all about that. I read it when I have holdovers " "Kerns, I wish to speak seriously. I've had it on my mind ever since I married.

One a double four-bore belonging to Sir Henry was the Thunderer; another, my 500 Express, which had a peculiarly sharp report, was 'the little one who spoke like a whip'; the Winchester repeaters were 'the women, who talked so fast that you could not tell one word from another'; the six Martinis were 'the common people'; and so on with them all.