United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was one Saturday afternoon; school did not keep, and she was all alone in the house with Martha. Her mother had gone visiting. The two little girls were playing "Holly Gull, Passed how many," with beans in the kitchen, when the door opened, and in walked Susan Elder. She was a woman who lived at Squire Bean's and helped his wife with the housework.

That was harder. Mother had not gone up to the city to hear Fritz "speak" because her feet were bothering her, and she could not wear her shoes. He had had a vague idea of how disappointed she was, though she had said very little about it. Martha never had been one to say much about things. When he came back, of course she had wanted to know all about it, and he had put her off.

As she neared the door the gentlemen and younger ladies crowding there politely stood back and cancelled their turn in her favour; and Mrs Martha Clay, a flush on her cheeks, a flash in her eyes, and with her splendidly active, upright figure carried valiantly, at the age of seventy-five, disappeared within the polling-booth to cast her first vote for the State Parliament.

The distaff and spindle which are to be seen on Egyptian monuments are still employed by thousands of French, peasant-women, but the wheel invented in the sixteenth century is rarely used now, unless it be by Martha in the opera. The next morning I made friends with the pedlar, who was about to start upon my road, and who offered to give me a lift in his trap as far as La Roche Canillac.

I slipped out and in a few minutes had found Martha White, and quickly we walked back to Scarborough Square. "It's well you came when you did." She bent her head to keep the swirling snowflakes from her face. Martha is fat and short and rapid walking is difficult. "I was just about to leave for the other end of town to see a typhoid case of Miss Wyatt's.

There was a certain soft indolence in the way she moved that was a delight to his eye. It occurred to him that he would ask his Martha why she didn't wear gardening-gloves. Mrs. Richie wore them, and as she pulled one off he saw how soft and white her hand was.... "How's the patient?" he asked. "Poor Maggie? Oh, she's pretty uncomfortable I'm afraid."

The owner would remit two week's wages; after that it was the business of the employer to pay them, and see that they were earned. If it were necessary now to send Martha to the whipping-post, the lady in satin would pay the fifty cents; but for any future flogging, the lady in lawn must be responsible to the City of Louisville.

"I've had enough of the sea, captain, and have come to resign my situation, and beg for dinner." "You shall have it immediately, dear Glynn," said Martha, whose heart warmed at the sight of one who had been so kind to her little niece. "Nay, I'm in no hurry," said Glynn, quickly; "I did but jest, dear madam, as Shakespeare has it.

He was sufficiently sensitive to feel that his back was chalked as on a slate. The only remark following him was, "There he goes!" He went to the seaward gate of the house on the beach, made practicable in a low flint wall, where he was met by his sister Martha, to whom he handed the basket. Apparently he named the cost of his purchase per dozen.

You know Martha is spoiled and wilful." "Is she? I am sorry to hear that. She would, however, have her maid, and she is now nearly three years old." "It would be useless for me to go away, unless I go alone. I suggested Surrey because I thought you could come to see me every Saturday." The little compliment pleased John, and he answered, "You shall do just as you wish, darling!