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Former Marshal Doane of Vigilante fame was chosen as chief of police. Broderick was the Windhams' guest at their new home on Powell street overlooking the bay when Benito's clerk brought them news of the election. "Every reform candidate wins by a landslide," cried the youth enthusiastically. "I cast my first vote today, Mr.

"My former marshal, who acquired in my service a name and some fame, whom I permitted to accept the dignity of crown prince of Sweden that was offered him, a Frenchman, had the meanness to turn his arms against his country, and ally himself with the enemies of France. But still it seems that his courage is failing him.

Two days after the French entered Munich that is to say, on the 14th an Austrian corps of 6000 men surrendered to Marshal Soult at Memingen, whilst Ney conquered, sword in hand, his future Duchy of Elchingen.

"Had we," continued the Intendant, "obtained the assistance of citizens, peasants, and principally of the nobles of the land, upon which we ought to have been permitted to reckon with certainty, our king would not have been compelled to send an army and a Marshal, who have produced the war they should have quelled, for it was the peasantry themselves who annihilated the villains; and like many other worthy men, you have not offered your assistance, you preferred living in disunion with your son, who is a spirited young man, and an enthusiast in the right cause.

Marshal that he could by no other means save himself from being committed to prison, confessed that the collar had been sold to him by Bampfylde the Second, king of the gipsies. A warrant was immediately despatched for his majesty; and Mr.

During the second day of the battle of Dresden, at the end of which the Emperor had the attack of fever I mentioned in the preceding chapter, the King of Naples, or rather Marshal Murat, performed prodigies of valor.

They were convinced that they had to do with a braggart and a liar. Was this my reception in the Hussars of Conflans? I dashed the tears of mortification from my eyes, and they laughed the more at the sight. "Do you know, Captain Pelletan, whether Marshal Lannes is still with the army?" asked the major. "I believe that he is, sir," said the other.

"You are more credulous, sir, than I am, if you believe that," said Belleville, coarsely. "Perhaps I am less credulous than you suppose," said Marshal, quietly. "It would, for example, be difficult for me to believe that you are a nobleman. I can assure you, however, that I am not only noble, but a man of honor."

"I cannot think," the marshal said to him a day or two after he received the order for he had always maintained the same pleasant relations with Hector that had subsisted between them in Italy, and placed the most entire confidence in the discretion of the young colonel "how Mazarin can allow Bavaria to hoodwink him.

First, we rout Cossé an easy matter; second, we continue our march to Paris, defeating Monseigneur on the way; third, we dictate terms of peace at the Louvre." "And fourth," laughed Roger, "we appoint Monsieur Felix Bellièvre Marshal of France, and advance him to the highest dignity!"