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After a time the LUCY BELLE'S crew recovered their scattered wits sufficiently to transport the passengers in small boats to a point near the county road, whence all trudged to town. The LUCY BELLE grew in the cornfield until several weeks later, when time was found to pull her off on rollers. Arrived at the booms Captain Marsh shook the loose water from his legs.

Suddenly, quick as a flash, he swung round upon his hind legs and gave one spring after Blake, who, not understanding his Aleut's shouts not to run, started across the marsh, with the bear in close pursuit.

He found on the other side of the islet a second line of stones, and they led across a marsh, that was almost like a black liquid, to another and larger island. Here the ground was quite firm, supporting a thick growth of large trees. It seemed to Henry that this island might be seventy or eighty yards across, and he began at once to explore it.

I think I can do it; and I'm entirely willing to take all personal risks. The thing is hazardous and it's Mr. Orde's tug. It's for him to say whether he wants to risk her." "Good Lord, man, what's the tug in a case like this!" cried Orde, who was standing near. Carroll looked at him proudly, but she did not attempt to make her presence known. "I thought so," replied Captain Marsh.

To the south it is cut off by a perhaps greater barrier; between it and the sea, stands the impassable mystery of Romney Marsh. In such a situation, before the railways revolutionised travel in England, how could Ashford have had any importance?

The inhabitants of this island are not all oystermen, for many find occupation and profit in raising ponies upon the beach of Assateague, where the wild, coarse grass furnishes them a livelihood. These hardy little animals are called "Marsh Tackies," and are found at intervals along the beaches down to the sea-islands of the Carolinas.

Lovelier by far than Rye, not only in itself, but because of what it offers you, those views of hill and marsh and sea with Rye itself, like I know not what little masterpiece of Flemish art, in the middle distance eastward, Winchelsea is a place never to be left or at worst never to be forgotten.

These embryo reflections, disconnected and unsustained, flitted to and fro over his dark mind as luminous exhalations over a marsh rising and sinking, harmless and delusive, fitful and irregular.

We are half-way between them on the south. I sent two men to see if the marsh between the rivers is fit crossing." "Fit crossing?" "When 'tis safe, we might plan a surprise. The only doubt is how many of those pirates are there who attacked you in the woods?" And he sat back whiffing his pipe and gazing in space.

Some person may be trying to find out just how close you are getting to the trail, so as to take precautions, if necessary." At that moment there was a scream in the hall outside Marsh's door. Both men sprang to their feet and Marsh leaped to the door.