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"Matt, I've just made two dollars this month." He looked at the old man with a restless appeal in his big, deer-like eyes. "I'm very sorry, Matt," he said, "I'm terribly sorry, but you know we can't go on." Uncle Matthew looked down at the grass with a reflective air. "Marse Rupert, did you never heah nothin' 'bout your Uncle Marse Thomas De Willoughby?"

Ole marse know dat well enough dat's de reason he resks we." "But for what purpose have you to return?" asked Edith, wondering. "Oh! to feed de cattle and de poultry? and take care o' de things dat's lef behine," sobbed Jenny, now completely broken down by her terrors.

I had one sister, born in 1860, who is now dead, and is buried not far from Lancaster. Marse Bogie owned about 200 acres of land in the eastern section of the county, and as far as I can remember there were only four slaves on the place. We lived in a one-room cabin, with a loft above, and this cabin was an old fashioned one about hundred yards from the house.

These things I remember, and likewise sobbing myself to sleep in the four-poster. Often since I have wished that I had questioned Breed of many things on which I had no curiosity then, for he was my chief companion in the weeks that followed. He awoke me bright and early the next day. "Heah's some close o' Marse Nick's you kin wear, honey," he said. "Who is Master Nick?" I asked.

"My Ole Massa, he name Marse Louis Stuart, an my Ole Missy, dat de real ole one you know, she name, now let-me-see, does I ricollek, lawzy me, chile, I suah fin it hard to member some things. O! yes, her name hit war Missy Nancy, an her chilluns dey name Little Marse Sammie an Little Missy Fanny.

Mary contends that she always wears three petticoats. "Marse Thamos lived in a big log house wid a big plantation all around hit. He had three hundred slaves on de two plantations. Marse Thamos sho was good ter us niggers. No nigger mus whoop his stock wid a switch. "I'se heared him say many time don't youse niggers whoop dese mules. How would you like to have me whoop you det way?"

On'y strangers dat don't know no better come yere." "But suppose your master should drop in? It's quite convenient to his rooms." "Marse Harry in a barber-shop!" said the old man with a silent laugh. "Skuse me, sah," he added, with an apologetic mixture of respect and dignity, "but fo' twenty years no man hez touched de Kernel's chin but myself.

He wore that air of mystery so dear to darkeys. "Gemmen to see you, Miss Jinny." "A gentleman!" she said in surprise. "Where?" The negro pointed to the lilac shrubbery. "Thar!" "What's all this nonsense, Ned?" said Clarence, sharply: "If a man is there, bring him here at once." "Reckon he won't come, Marse Clarence." said Ned, "He fearful skeered ob de light ob day.

Among the edibles Pitapat had been careful to leave a small bottle of brandy, a pitcher of cream, a few eggs and some spice, saying to herself, "Long as it was Christmas time Miss Caterpillar might want a sup of egg nog quiet to herself, jes' as much as old marse did his whiskey punch" and never fancying that her young mistress would require a more delicate lunch than her old master.

To speak truth, I had not looked for such resistance, and seeing that I could not knock him down, out of hand, I grew more cool and began to study what I was doing. "Take off your macaroni coat," said I. "I have no wish to ruin your clothes." But he only jeered in return: "Take off thy wool-sack." And Hugo, getting to his feet, cried out to me not to hurt Marse Philip, that he had meant no harm.