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'What will thy father say when he hears thou liest deep in Raglan dungeon? 'He will thank heaven that I lie there a free man instead of walking abroad a slave, answered Richard. ''Fore heaven! said the marquis, and was silent for a moment. 'Owest thou then thy king NOTHING, boy? he resumed. 'I owe the truth everything, answered Richard. 'The truth! echoed the marquis.

At this moment a voice cried from the street: "Inspector, they are escaping over the roofs." It was Simon, the worthy steward of the Marquis of Fougereuse, who assisted the police to-day. He had stationed himself, with several officers, in front of the house, and had noticed two shadows gliding over the roofs. "Forward, men," cried the inspector. "We must catch them, dead or alive."

In the meantime Fanfaro had helped the marquis on the back of the horse, and now he raised his lantern to untie the knot of the rope with which he had bound the animal to a tree. The light of the lamp fell full upon his face, and the marquis uttered a slight cry; his rescuer resembled in a startling way the old Marquis of Fougereuse. Had he Jules's son before him?

You may easily guess I was exceedingly surprised at such an address on the top of the mountain Brovis: but he forthwith put an end to it too, by discovering himself to be the marquis M , whom I had the honour to be acquainted with at Nice.

"I must, however, take a cruise with you first, my lad. It will be time enough to think of going home when we fall in with a ship bound that way." Rolf had gone into the gun-room soon after his arrival on board, and did not return on deck till the evening. When he made his appearance, the marquis and his daughter and the priest were assembled there.

Fauvel recovered comparative ease of mind, and at times almost congratulated herself upon having obeyed the marquis, as she saw all around her contented and happy. Once more she began to hope that peace had not deserted her, that God had forgiven her. Alas! she rejoiced too soon.

The king's countenance was radiant with delight, but he was considerate, and did not express his rapture. "Dear marquis, you say that Voltaire has arrived. Do you indeed regret it?" D'Argens was silent and thoughtful for a moment; he raised his head, and his eyes were obscured by tears. "Yes," said he, "I am sorry!

Courses were then run by the others, with varied success, the Marquis of Dorset being unhorsed by Sir Henry Norris, whose prowess was rewarded by the plaudits of the assemblage, and what was infinitely more dear to him, by the smiles of the queen. "You have ridden well, Norris," cried Henry, advancing towards him. "Place yourself opposite me, and let us splinter a lance together."

It is impossible to describe my feelings, when, on recovering, I found myself in this hideous abode. For some time I doubted my senses, and afterwards believed that I had quitted this world for another; but I was not long suffered to continue in my error, the appearance of the marquis bringing me to a perfect sense of my situation.

"I salute you, M. le Duc et Pair," said the young King. The Marquis acknowledged his new honours, and made way for his companion. "Our list of marshals is full, M. de Saint-Géran," said Louis coldly. The disappointed courtier bowed, and was about to retire, when Marie de Medicis met his eye, and its expression was far from satisfactory.