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"You should know me well enough, Cassis, to realise that when I lose time I lose it purposely. I am waiting for Cranbourne." "Cranbourne's ideas are altogether too fantastic." "We agreed to do nothing until eleven o'clock and it wants ten minutes to the hour." "Not a very substantial margin to find Barraclough's double."

In such crises the poorest people, those who earn their bread by the sweat of their brows and have no margin of accumulated capital, always suffer the most. Above all men, it is the labouring man who needs sound money and steady values. We have seen all these points amply illustrated since the War of Secession.

Too many traveling men waste their months of leisure. Like Thomas Moore, in their older days they will wail: "Thus many, like me, who in youth should have tasted The fountain that flows by philosophy's shrine, Their time with the flowers on its margin have wasted And left their light urns all as empty as mine."

I mention this circumstance, because, as if the cows and calves had been purposely locked up in this innermost fold; and as if the wide extent of the herd had hitherto prevented them from learning the precise cause of its stopping; or, possibly, being so young, unsophisticated, and every way innocent and inexperienced; however it may have been, these smaller whales now and then visiting our becalmed boat from the margin of the lake evinced a wondrous fearlessness and confidence, or else a still becharmed panic which it was impossible not to marvel at.

"You may still have a margin of ten or fifteen dems. left to hold you on." "We're under orders, Danny boy, to report back to the O.C." "Come along, then." Just after Dave and Dan entered Henkel came in, accompanied Midshipman Hawkins, the cadet officer of day. It was an actually ferocious gaze that Henkel turned upon Darrin.

On the great stone table, before which the father was seated, lay an open folio, the leaf displayed being only illuminated at the top and inner margin; the colored part at the top I noticed was torn, the rent extending down to about the middle of the page.

Encouraged by this assurance, the whole party stole through the bushes, that lined this part of the base of the cliffs, until they entered the bed of the stream. It was September, and the water was so low, as to enable the party to move along the margin of the rivulet dry-shod, occasionally stepping from stone to stone.

Oswell pursued one of these animals into the dense, thick, thorny bushes met with on the margin of that river, and to which the elephant usually flees for safety.

"I should like to explain to you, my dear, that I am not as rich a woman as I appear. It was my dear husband's wish that I should continue to occupy this house for the term of my life, but after that it passes to his relations. It is an expensive place to keep up, and leaves little margin out of the income which goes with it. I cannot save as I should have wished, and my own property is not large.

They have turned the attention of their religious sympathies to the economic margin of the community. They have enforced the payment of debts, and they have governed and controlled marriage conditions.