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The necessity in which they stand hereof continually causeth them to have iron in far greater account than gold: and no man among them is of greater estimation, than he that can most perfectly give this temper unto it. Every day we were marching by sun-rising.

It was at first just a fitful, drowsy chirp, a call "are you there? are you there?" until, when all the sparrows were in full cry, a thrush struck boldly in, like a solo marching out above a humming accompaniment of strings. That was a delicious hour, when the mind, still unsated of sleep, played softly with happy, homelike thoughts.

There was a very large snake marching from a distance directly towards us and towards the door of the Printing Office, and went, in spite of the men gazing it, under the threshold, and sheltered its self under the floor of the Printing Office.

The gray wolf skulked along in the shadows of the draws behind us and at night the coyotes barked harshly at the invading band. But there was no mark of civilized habitation, no friendly hint that aught but the unknown and unconquerable lay before us. I was learning quickly in those days of marching and nights of dreamless sleep under sweet, health-giving skies.

Bevern reports that Daun is actually coming on, far too strong for his resisting; in other terms, that the Siege of Prag will not decide itself by bombardment, but otherwise and elsewhere. Of which we must now give some account; brief as may be, especially in regard to the preliminary or marching part. Order comes to him from Vienna: "Rescue Prag; straightway go upon it, cost what it like!"

Years of wasted substance and enforced poverty were groped through, till at last the day-star rose upon new industries. Hands and feet and awakened faculties spring to the keynote of progress, and "Our days are marching on." Future generations may hug to themselves the consolation that we were pulled down only to be built up again in greater prosperity, under a different order of things.

Valery. Here there was another long delay, and while Harold was marching north to meet the King of Norway the Normans were praying for a favourable wind at the holy shrine at the Abbey of St. Valery. Two days after the host of Harold Hardrada had been destroyed the wind suddenly shifted to the south.

They had not seemed to be marching to death; people had stood on the edge of the pavement to cheer them, and now "cut to pieces" that was how the papers put it. It made her more passionately attached to the ones that were left. It is no exaggeration to say that quite gladly and freely Fanny would have given her life for any not one particular soldier.

When we judged we had gone half a mile, we momently expected to see the guide; but no, he was not visible anywhere; neither was he waiting, for the rope was still moving, consequently he was doing the same. This argued that he had not found the road, yet, but was marching to it with some peasant. There was nothing for us to do but plod along and this we did.

They wished to hasten immediately against the Barbarians; but the Suffet bade them rest for two hours. As soon as the sun appeared they moved into the plain in three lines first came the elephants, and then the light infantry with the cavalry behind it, the phalanx marching next.