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Sciold had a freedman who repaid his master's manumission of him by the ingratitude of attempting his life. The heathen lack of pity noticed in Alfred's preface to "Gregory's Handbook" is illustrated here by contrast with the philosophic humanity of the Civil Law, and the sympathy of the mediaeval Church.

The slave is entirely unprotected in his domestic relations. The laws greatly obstruct the manumission of slaves, even where the master is willing to enfranchise them. The operation of the laws tends to deprive slaves of religious instruction and consolation. The whole power of the laws is exerted to keep slaves in a state of the lowest ignorance.

This pamphlet, which was entitled, Brief Considerations on Slavery, and the Expediency of its Abolition; with some Hints on the Means whereby it may be gradually effected, proved that in lieu of the usual security required, certain sums paid at the several periods of manumission would amply secure the public, as well as the owners of the slaves, from any future burthens.

Manumission is the giving of freedom; for while a man is in slavery he is subject to the power once known as 'manus'; and from that power he is set free by manumission. All this originated in the law of nations; for by natural law all men were born free slavery, and by consequence manumission, being unknown.

At one time he thought of setting fire to the four corners of the monastery, at another, he proposed to inveigle the abbot into some place where he might torment him till he signed the manumission papers of Tiennette, in fine, he projected a thousand schemes, which all evaporated into air.

There was no special legal form, however, for thus binding the master the best proof that there was at first no such thing as a manumission, but those methods were employed for this object which the law otherwise presented, testament, action, or census.

He believed that it was wrong to argue that Negroes were any more a burden to incorporated villages than to cities or rural districts, and that they were, therefore, entitled to every allowance of money to educate them. In New York City much had already been done to enlighten the Negroes through the schools of the Manumission Society.

From that advent, and the long and varied mental sufferings which its consequences brought upon her, sprang that second change in Palmyre, which made her finally untamable, and ended in a manumission, granted her more for fear than for conscience' sake.

A change of name would make it impossible for Tanno and Vedia to carry out her plan for my manumission by the fiscus, my clandestine journey to Bruttium and my comfortable and unsuspected seclusion there until some other prince succeeded our present Emperor. I had grasped eagerly at the thought of this plan and had built much on it.

Thrust into the midst of a society itself vitiated by the admixture of slavery, he only became more unrestrainedly, more dangerously bad. Manumission was thus no remedy for the deterioration of the citizens: it was powerless even to better the condition of the slave." The ethical aspect of Roman slavery.