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As usual, her little mask concealed her face, revealing only her sparkling eyes, and her mantilla of Spanish lace covered her hair! but she had discarded her customary black gown. She, too, was a butterfly, this evening, a glowing yellow one with deep lines of black and touches of orange and scarlet, a gown as vivid and daring as herself.

Even the black lace mantilla, so commonly thrown over the head and shoulders in the cities of Spain, is discarded of an evening on the Plaza de Isabella. These children attend balls given by grown-up people, and are painted and bedizened and decked out like their elders, a singular fashion in Cuban cities.

It seemed to him that this beautiful young girl belonged to him, as the llama to the Peruvian forests, as the eagle to the depths of immensity. Plunged in his reflections, Martin Paz hastened his steps to see the saya of the young girl sweep the threshold of the paternal dwelling; and Sarah herself, half-opening then her mantilla, cast on him a bewildering glance of gratitude.

I dined once with the Portuguese, and have given a brother of Tomasin's three fl. worth of engravings. Herr Erasmus has given me a small Spanish mantilla and three men's portraits. I took the portrait of Herr Niklas Kratzer, an astronomer. He lives with the King of England, and has been very helpful and useful to me in many matters. He is a German, a native of Munich.

And then the other figure, in skirt, waist, and mantilla over its head, stepped out into the faint moonlight, gazing after the rider. Sandridge thought he would take his chance then before Tonia rode back. He fancied she might not care to see it. "Throw up your hands," he ordered loudly, stepping out of the wagon- shed with his Winchester at his shoulder.

'Excuse my unconventionality, but I feel like I have known you for a month. Whose Izzy is oo? "The lady ducked her head under her mantilla, and drew in a long breath. I thought she was going to scream, but with all that intake of air she only came out with: 'Me likee Americanos.

"Mademoiselle is in doubt of your eagerness to see her," he said. "Oh, please come," urged Kitty through the telephone. "Waste no time." "I will be with you in twenty minutes," said Ydo sweetly. Back in the drawing-room, Kitty was too excited to remain quietly in her chair, but danced about expressing her delight at the prospect of at last seeing the Mariposa sans mask and mantilla.

It was decidedly disappointing to find they had almost invariably discarded the graceful and becoming lace head-dress and mantilla, and adopted the French costume.

Neat and clean hose and shoes, short, black flounced petticoat, a linked girdle, head-dress or mantilla of fringed taffeta caught together at the nape of her neck, and a corner of it over her shoulder, she passed before my eyes with swaying hips, arms akimbo, and moving her head to and fro as she looked about her on all sides.

Presently the General rose and went to the window again. 'They are still doubtful, he said, returning, 'and I think their numbers have decreased. We cannot allow them to disperse. He paused, thinking deeply. 'My child, he said suddenly to Estella, 'you must show yourself on the balcony. Estella rose at once; but Julia held her back. 'No, she said; 'let me do it. Give me the white mantilla.