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'Twas very true what Greening said; for of a summer evening I would take the path that led up Weatherbeech Hill, behind the Manor; both because 'twas a walk that had a good prospect in itself, and also a sweet charm for me, namely, the hope of seeing Grace Maskew.

So full had been each moment of her first day at Gray Manor that it was not until she sat curled in the big divan before the library fire, a book of colored plates of Italian gardens across her lap that she thought of her determination to know more of the girl who had called herself Beryl. Harkness stood at the long table putting it in order.

"But why may not I venture by daylight?" "Because a telescope does not enable one to distinguish features after night. Other people may have a telescope, like myself." "Who would have one in this village?" "The manor has a new occupant. A lady has taken possession there." "A lady? Is she pretty?" "She is young." "Didst thou see her through the telescope? What kind of hair has she got?" "Blonde."

There were sometimes a few people on the manor who did not belong to the great body of cultivators. The limits of the manor and those of the parish often coincided; in that case there would be a priest who had some scattered acres and whose standing was naturally somewhat superior to that of the people about him.

Then the miller, who ground the flour and paid a substantial rent to the lord, was generally somewhat better off than his neighbors, and the same may be said of the blacksmith. One of the most remarkable characteristics of the manor was its independence of the rest of the world.

The bleak tint of the flats mingles without transition with the paleness of the sky, and the short perspective has no large lines in its proportions, nor change of colour on the edges. Here and there, while strolling through the fields, you may come across some silent farm behind a grey stone wall, an abandoned manor deserted by its owners.

Perhaps it was the future that was engrossing his mind, but sometimes it came to him dimly as a strange thing how so small a matter as a slip of a girl in a page's dress could loom so large that there was no corner of manor or tower but recalled some trick of her tossing curls, some echo of her ringing laughter.

We peasants are ignorant people. The Jews know about everything, and sometimes they give good advice. The priest winced. The peasant continued excitedly: 'There were no wages coming in from the manor, and the Germans took the two acres I had rented from the squire.

He knew Kilton Hall lay over five miles straight ahead, and he knew, also that Beverly's brother was at school there, but Jefferson did not possess an analytical mind: It could not out-run Apache. He knew, however, that he must put up a pretty good bluff if he wished to save his kinky scalp upon his return to Leslie Manor, so he set about planning to "hand out dat fool 'oman a corker."

The county history tells us that Wanley was given in the fifteenth century to that same religious foundation, and that at the dissolution of monasteries the Manor passed into the hands of Queen Catherine. The house is half-timbered; from the height above it looks old and peaceful amid its immemorial trees.