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Pulitzer's view of our respective spheres of greatest utility; but it was often disturbed by one or another of us going on sick leave or falling a victim to the weather when we were at sea. Subject to such chances Pollard always read to Mr. Pulitzer during his breakfast hour, and Mann during his siesta, while the reading after dinner was pretty evenly divided between Pollard, Paterson, and myself.

Tessie and her poor Mann, with his broken elbow and his swollen arm all black and blue, couldn't sleep last night. Oh dear! this New York! One man at one corner he talk about Harding, one man other corner he talk about Cox; one man under their window he talk MacSwineyNew York talk, talk, talk!

The well-known Nanoni, an eminent surgeon, who had introduced many improvements in the treatment of diseased joints, was at this period resident in Florence, and Messrs. Jackson and Rutherford wrote to Sir Horace Mann, then the British Minister at the Ducal Court, to consult him relative to the case of Mr. West: his answer induced them to advise the Artist to go to Florence.

He had a big warm heart that bound all his friends to him with hooks of steel. I first met him on the platform of a grand temperance banquet, in Tripler Hall, New York, thirty-nine years ago where he and Mr. Beecher, and Dr. Chapin, Hon. Horace Mann, Gen. Houston, of Texas, and myself were the speakers. A gold medal was presented that evening to the Hon.

"He is awful mad about something, and has sent for several of the others." "I can't understand it," said Richard to Frank, as he put on his coat. "I don't know of anything that has gone wrong." And considerably worried, Richard descended to the ground floor, and knocked on the door of the private office. Richard found Mr. Mann alone. The gentleman was seated at his desk and greeted the boy coldly.

Sandow prefers to have people drink is not so important perhaps whole pages of it at a time as Amos Mann and how he runs his shoe business without strikes, or as Joseph Bibby and how he makes oil cakes and loyal workmen together. I read the other day of a clergyman in New Jersey who was organizing a league of all the left-handed men in the world. Everything is being organized, whether or no.

How to divide and subdue it so as to render it suitable for house lighting, was still a difficult problem. Farmer, Sawyer, Mann, and Edison, all attacked it at nearly the same time, going back with singular accord from the voltaic arc principle to that of incandescence in a vacuum. Edison, the prodigy of the century in inventive genius, was the most successful.

Besides, all three men were old friends; so Mr. Mann gave the request every attention. "We are rather full of hands," he said slowly; "but still I might find room for him. Have you had any business training?" he continued, turning to Richard. "Very little, sir," replied the boy promptly, though it came hard to make such a confession. "He hasn't had a bit," interposed Mr. Joyce.

'Will you go along with me, Oliver? said Mr. Bumble, in a majestic voice. Oliver was about to say that he would go along with anybody with great readiness, when, glancing upward, he caught sight of Mrs. Mann, who had got behind the beadle's chair, and was shaking her fist at him with a furious countenance.

Yours, Rex Holland." Saul Arthur Mann stared at the letter with open mouth. "What does it mean?" asked the girl in a whisper. "It means that Merrill is shielding somebody," said the other. "It means " Suddenly his face lit up with excitement. "The writing!" he gasped.