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It is all right, dear grandmother, and you must remember that you were not responsible for what you were doing then." The boldness of her answer filed Wyvis with admiration. He knew that he manlike would have temporized and tried in vain to deny the truth, it was far wiser for Janetta to acknowledge and explain the facts. Mrs. Brand pressed the girl's hand and looked fearfully in her face.

And yet, if she were a man she would attempt all this, and perhaps might succeed; why, then, did heaven make the mistake of placing that manlike soul in that frail and delicate body? The first moments of her captivity were terrible; a few convulsions of rage which she could not suppress paid her debt of feminine weakness to nature.

He still seemed to be speaking soothingly to the unseen creatures. "Why can't there be men here?" asked Babs. "I don't mean actually men, but manlike creatures? Why couldn't there be rational creatures like us? I know you said so but " Cochrane shook his head. He believed implicitly that there could not be men on this planet.

But manlike he did a frightfully human and earthly thing; he knocked his foot against an empty coal-oil can, and stood betrayed in his purpose of flight. She turned her head and looked at him like one just waking from a too-vivid dream. She frowned, and then she smiled with a little ironical twist to her soft curving lips.

Thorne hurried away with manlike promptitude in the face of a social obligation. The mistress stepped inside and gave an order to Ito. As she returned, a lady was coming up the walk. She was young and tall, and had a distant effect of great elegance. She held herself very erect, and moved with the rapid, swimming step peculiar to women who are accustomed to the eyes of critical assemblages.

Manlike, they had told me to go to bed and sleep, as if a woman can sleep when those she loves are in danger! I shall lie down, and pretend to sleep, lest Jonathan have added anxiety about me when he returns.

It was Isobel who found all the things which, manlike, he so constantly mislaid, who tramped over the fields with him, interesting herself in all the outdoor side of his life, and she was almost as good at landing a trout as he himself.

She could not answer, and he took her distress for girlish confusion, and, manlike, rejoiced in it. After dinner Joyselle came straight to her. "May I talk to you about Tommy?" he began, "I love Tommy very much." "He adores you." "Yes. Let us go into the library, Most Beautiful, where we can talk quietly." Before she could protest he had turned to her mother and announced his intention.

Closer and closer they came until at a distance of about twenty feet the hybrid charged. Its rush was directed toward the shaggy manlike ape who halted in his tracks with upraised bludgeon to meet the assault.

Manlike, he was experiencing the passionate wish that this small boy were his own. Jealousy, sudden and violent, assailed him. Hardly could he restrain the words of interrogation and denunciation that demanded utterance. The mother's question brought him back to the cot. "He air beautiful, ain't he?" she breathed, a misty gleam on her lashes.