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Just returned from a visit to De Ville, in the Strand, in company with Chester Harding, Robert M. Sully, the painter, and Humphries, the engraver, each differing from the others in character and purpose; yet, after manipulating our crania, this man says of each what all the rest acknowledge to be true, and what, said of any but the particular person described, would be preposterous.

For engineering, in the last analysis, is the manipulating of detailed parts into a perfect whole whether it be a bridge or a machine or a plant. The four major branches of engineering are civil, mechanical, electrical, and mining. I give them in the order of their acceptance among engineers.

Tom was manipulating various levers, but with no effect. The aeroplane was shooting downward with frightful rapidity. "No use!" exclaimed the young inventor. "Something has broken." "But We're falling, Tom!" "I know it. We've done it before. I'm going to volplane to earth." This, it may be explained, is gliding downward from a height with the engine shut off.

As the boat came nearer, and its shape was more clearly marked, the boys discovered that only a single warrior sat within. He was in the stern, manipulating his long, ashen paddle with such rare skill that he seemed to pay no heed to the current at all. "There's only one of them," whispered the astonished Jack. "How easily we can pick him off!" Otto brought his gun to his shoulder.

The combined transmitter and receiver took the form of a small case with a mouthpiece to speak into, an car-piece on a hinged bracket for listening to it, press-keys for manipulating the call-bell and battery, and a small handle by which to revolve the little chalk cylinder. This last feature was a practical drawback to the system, which was patented in 1877.

Dickens, always possessed of a strong sense of the dramatic and using it to immense advantage, now and again goes further and becomes theatric: that is, he suggests the manipulating of effects with artifice and the intention of providing sensational and scenic results at the expense of proportion and truth. A word on this is advisable.

The police power has often been misused for such purposes; the gerrymander is another clever method of manipulating the results of elections.

And so effective is the following of such a precept that, through careful devices and manipulating cleverness, a brilliant success, though transitory is achieved by some writers who range lightly over surfaces, their thoughts dipping no deeper than a flat stone thrown to skim along the water, which it keeps ruffling, making a momentary sprightly splash at each contact, until, its force being soon spent, it disappears and is seen no more.

"Ef a lady has the undisposition to let her husband subside on her bounty, it is between them twain. Who God has joined together, let no man set asunder," said he, bombastically, and even the surly milkman, and Rosenstein under his manipulating razor, when a laugh was dangerous, laughed. John Flynn, when he waxed didactic, and made use of large words and phrases, was the comic column of Banbridge.

Dorothy Broughton, daintily manipulating her breakfast grapefruit, her shapely young arm showing interesting curves through the muslin and lace of her morning gown made by her own clever fingers looked up at her brother Julius.