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The colour is mouse-grey, with a black stripe across the shoulders, and black and white lines across the nose and cheeks. The height at the shoulder would exceed fourteen hands, and the neck is ornamented with a thick and stiff black mane.

"It wants a quarter to six at present," said Bathsheba, looking at her watch. "I daresay he'll be in directly. Well, now then" she looked into the book "Joseph Poorgrass, are you there?" "Yes, sir ma'am I mane," said the person addressed. "I be the personal name of Poorgrass." "And what are you?" "Nothing in my own eye.

It had the gleaming teeth, the horrid jaws, the sharp ears, in fact the face and head of a wolf, the tawny mane of a lion, and was covered with thick fur; but it stood erect and used its arms like a man. At the same time, the sounds issuing from its throat seemed a combination of incoherent human cries and wolfish howlings.

I followed his advice when, after wading a short distance, my horse began to swim. Shortly afterwards, as its body was completely immersed, I slipped off its back, taking care to hold on to its mane, near the crupper, with one hand, while I struck out with the other. Gerald himself, being so much lighter, stuck on, and guiding his horse to a shelving part of the bank, regained the firm ground.

He was driving a sorrel fresh from pasture, with long, ragged hoofs, burrs in mane and tail, and a wild desire to get home to her foal; so that she fled across the country bridges, ditches, everything, frantic with maternal passion.

Such were the stories of that abandoned dog's blunderheaded ferocity to which I was forced to listen, while all the time the brute sat opposite me on the hearth-rug, blinking at me from under his shaggy mane with his evil, bleared eyes, and deliberating where he would have me when I rose to go. This was the beginning of an intimacy which soon displaced all ceremony.

He went on his mission, grumbling at the supposition that the creek was near us, when suddenly we heard a loud splash, and Mike's voice raised in supplication. "That d d Irishman has tumbled into the creek," cried Mr. Wright, endeavoring to suppress a laugh that did find utterance. "Here's the river, sure!" shouted Mike, "and a cussed mane one it is. Help me out!" "Be quiet," said Mr.

"Is it the cat you mane?" replied Mike; "then, by the powers, it's myself that's not afeered for the 'cat, for she never wags her tail here but when a man's either an ass or a skulk, and no man can say black's the white of the eye of Mike Delaney. But I say, Tom, hasn't this been an out-and-out passage?

Two of the Mexicans ran for him, catching him by nose and mane, and the third ran to block the gateway. Then, with a splendid vaulting mount, the Mexican with the gun leaped to the back of the horse. He yelled and waved his gun, and urged the black forward. The manner of all three was savagely jocose. They were having sport. The two on the ground began to dance and jabber.

"Mane!" replied the other, who at once perceived the force of the unguarded expression she had used; "mane, why what could I mane, but that whoever did the deed, hid the body where very few would be likely to find it." Her companion now stood up, and approaching the prophet's wife, raised her hand, and said in a tone that was both startling and emphatic