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This naturally disconcerted the horse, who swerved violently, the Saint only just saving himself by the mane; and as they shot past the dragon delivered a vicious snap at the horse's tail which sent the poor beast careering madly far over the Downs, so that the language of the Saint, who had lost a stirrup, was fortunately inaudible to the general assemblage.

'No, said Lance, almost sulkily; for he was much inclined to make fatigue a plea for escaping the 'mane nagur' and enjoying the boat, and was rather unreasonably disposed to think it all a plot on the part of Mr. Staples for spoiling the evening. Felix might have been equally glad of the excuse, but he believed his father would have thought this act of conciliation a duty, and followed Mr.

He solaced his soul by murmuring the pious invocation which all pilgrims to the Sacred Mount have perpetually on their lips "Om mane padme om!"

"The brazen baggage!" said Dick; "and what did you say?" "Why what could any man say, sir, afther that? Sure her karacther would be gone if " "Gone," said Dick, "'faith it might have gone further before it fared worse." "Arrah! what do you mane, Misther Dick?" "Pooh, pooh! Andy you don't mean to say you married that one?" "Faix, I did," said Andy.

They were, indeed, a picturesque pair, and no wonder that the young parents of the beautiful child smiled as they watched him wreathing his little hands in the long curling mane of the good-tempered animal, and laying his soft rosy cheek on his back.

'Life's a strangle bubble, ye see, said William Worm musingly. 'For if the Lord's anointment had descended upon women instead of men, Miss Elfride would be Lord Luxellian Lady, I mane. But as it is, the blood is run out, and she's nothing to the Luxellian family by law, whatever she may be by gospel.

Who are you, if I may ask?" Nero, the circus lion, gave himself a big shake. His mane, or big fringe of hair around his neck, stood out like the fur on your cat's back when a dog chases her, and then Nero roared. Oh, such a loud roar as he gave! The ground shook. "There! Now do you know who I am?" asked Nero. Blackie, the cat who was once lost, seemed quite surprised at the way Nero acted.

They paused for a moment, and the Prince made two salutes, while the light animal he rode passed gracefully sideways, keeping his front toward the princesses; prancing and snorting, he shook his mane, and seemed to salute by putting his head between his legs. The whole suite repeated the evolution as they passed.

Drayton? yes, and I'd been sent for; it must have been about six, and there was Gifford struggling with that young mare in the west pasture. He had thrown off his coat, and caught her by the mane and a rope bridle, and he was trying to ride her. That blonde head of his was right against her neck, and when she reared he clung to her till she lifted him off his feet.

We may see the barb, with nostril of fire, and mane playing with the wind, perform a curvet, as he draws our aristocratic countrywoman aristocratic and haughty at least in Malta, although, in England, perhaps a star of much less magnitude.