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"Yes," he said, "quite a few, but not all so bad as that." Wounded were still pouring in, both ours and German. The Bosche was shelling the ground only a short distance away and I managed to film several of our wounded men being dressed whilst shells were bursting in the near background. Another man was brought in on a stretcher. I looked closely at him when he was set on the ground.

As soon as we got there he said, "You were in the right; we must remain friends. Promise me not to tell anyone of what has happened." I gave him the promise; we shook hands, and everything was over. The next day I took up my abode in one of the quietest streets to finish my second volume on the Polish troubles, but I still managed to enjoy myself during my stay at Gorice.

I will wire you in the morning." He placed the mysterious letter in his note-book, gave them a parting smile, and was gone. He managed to catch the 8.15, which started punctually, the sole remnant of railway virtue possessed by the Chatham and South Eastern line.

"But captain " Jenny began. Muller managed a smile at her. "Oh, not you, of course, Jenny. I'll need you here. With Hendrix gone, you're the closest thing we have to a Farmer now." "Captain Muller," Pietro said sharply. "Captain, in the words of the historical novelists drop dead! Dr. Sanderson, I forbid you to leave your quarters so long as anyone else is confined to his.

The beef was being carried out; she stopped it. "Mr. Ansell is coming," she called. "Herbert there is more room by you; sit up straight, boys." The boys sat up straight, and a respectful hush spread over the room. "Here he is!" called Rickie cheerfully, taking his cue from his wife. "Oh, this is splendid!" Ansell came in. "I'm so glad you managed this. I couldn't leave these wretches last night!"

She felt her own throat tighten; but in a moment she managed to speak with steady cheerfulness. "Well, you can. You can help a whole lot. I'm sure you can. An' Mis' McGuire is, too. An' what's more, you're the only one what can help 'em, in this case. So we'll keep watch to-morrow mornin', an' when he comes out on the porch well, we'll see what we will see."

She took the advice of her mother and married the man she loved, disdaining my riches and me as well. Roger wasn't much of a success as a husband, but he was a source of enlightenment and education to his wife. Not in the way you would suspect, however. He managed in very short order to convince her that it is a very ignorant mother who permits her daughter to marry a man without means.

"I don't see any use in pretending there's not," he advanced with a reasonable, considering air. "I don't see that intimate human relationships are in any more of a mess than other human relations. International ones, for instance, just now. But they certainly are in considerable of a mess, in a great many cases. It is evident that lots of times they're managed all wrong."

"But, Father Francis, from your story it would seem that Europe has already sacrificed an enormous number of lives to take the holy sepulchre, and that after all the fighting, when she has taken it, it is only to lose it again." "That is so, my son; but we will trust that in future things will be better managed.

As day dawned, however, I fell upon the foe at a certain advantage, and managed at last to get a few hours of sleep. Made an expedition to the small lake to see a building which we were informed was built by the Puree, or fairies the Peri of poetical licence.