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Her mother met her as she was carrying them to the wardrobe in the spare room. You could see she felt that there was something here that must be enquired into. "I should have thought," she said, "that writing-table drawer was enough." "It isn't." "Tt-t " Mamma nodded her head in a sort of exasperated resignation. "Do you mean to say you're going to keep all that?" "All that?

'I see that she is beautiful; but how can I see that she is good? 'Good to mamma, I mean, and to Effie and Tishy. 'And isn't she good to you? 'Oh, I don't know her so well. But I delight to look at her. 'Certainly, that must be a great pleasure, said Raymond. He enjoyed it during dinner, which was now served, though his enjoyment was diminished by his not finding himself next to Dora.

I am glad you can tell me something about those curious creatures; for mamma bought me a pretty picture, which I will show you, if you please," said the little girl. "But what is this odd-looking, black thing here? Is it a dried fish? It must be a black bass? Yes, nurse, I am sure it is." The nurse smiled, and said, "It is not a fish at all, my dear; it is a dried beaver's tail.

There was a sudden exclamation: they all three sprang up and looked at him, but alas! it was still by feeling that he came forward, though his countenance was cheerful, and there was a smile upon his lips. "Well, mamma," he said, in a brave, almost a lively tone, "you must be content to have me at home."

She doesn't seem to have any relations, and she must be very well off. Supposing she took us to live with her, and treated us just like her own children, I wonder if mamma wouldn't come home then, and papa too perhaps. For of course, if they knew we were going to be well off, papa wouldn't worry so about staying out in India his full time and all that.

This is her first season at the beach, and we must endeavor to make it pleasant for her, or she will be getting homesick and running away to mamma," said Aunt Pen, in her society-tone, after she had returned his greeting, and perpetrated a polite fiction, by declaring that she remembered him perfectly, for he was the image of his father. Mr.

A dinner and one or two little teas, and an at home evening, something to say to people that I am really here, though there have been several cards left, and I must get well for Thursday. How stupid to indulge in such an inane freak when I have uninterruptedly good health." "Oh, I am sure mamma would be delighted!

"Your distracted "P.S. One day later. Rejoice, oh, rejoice! and give ear. The doctor has actually asked the question, and I blushingly referred him to mamma, but he seemed to think this unnecessary, took alarm at once, and pressed the matter until I said yea. Aren't you glad? But one thing is sure Hugh must sell a nigger to get me a handsome outfit.

"Not a shilling, sir," exclaimed the lady, putting the portmonnaie into the pocket of her rustling silk-dress; "I will not pay you for going among poor people and degrading yourself; only keep a proper medium, my son, and you have a most indulgent mamma, but without that I'm granite."

I kiss your hand, and am your young brother and father, as in your last letter you say "I am the old man and son." To-day is the 16th when I finish this, or else you will not know when it was sent off. "Is the letter ready?" "Yes, mamma, here it is!" Mannheim, Nov. 20, 1777. Two days ago I was present at the rehearsal in the afternoon, but came away immediately after the Kyrie.