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The Doctor stood by the curb until he heard the buggy wheels rattle over the railroad tracks, then turned to walk stiffly back to his seat on the porch. Soon the tired horse was in the hands of old Uncle George, while Mam Liz ministered to the weary doctor.

"Believe your mam," Madlen answered: "don't throw gravel at the windows of the old English unless they have the fortunes."

The voice of the old man he looked more than sixty years, but said his age was fifty, I think he did not know quivered with emotion, as he said: "Thank yer, mam, thank yer kindly, I'll tote a load forty miles for ye any day, and I kin tote pretty 'harbaneous' loads too." "Never mind that, Mr. Jones, I like to see you comfortable."

"She ain't no fool," returned Myrtella instantly on the defensive. "Of course not, just young and careless. I dare say she doesn't even order the groceries, does she?" "No, mam." "Nor plan for the meals?" "No, mam." "And you attend to everything just as if she weren't there? It's really too funny, isn't it, Margery? Tell Mrs.

It don't matter if they're sick in body or mind. He helps 'em the way he knows. An', mam, they just love him to death. There's just one man in these forests I wouldn't dare blaspheme, if I felt like it which I don't. No, mam, my life wouldn't be worth a two seconds buy if I blasphemed Father Adam. He's one of God's good men, an' I'd be mighty thankful to be like him some.

Harling came out and sat down among us. “Could you throw the wheat into the bin yourself, Tony?” She knew what heavy work it was. “Yes, mam, I did. I could shovel just as fast as that fat Andern boy that drove the other wagon. One day it was just awful hot. When we got back to the field from dinner, we took things kind of easy.

"'Faix, Mam, says the man, a Hirishman, 'and the divvle a babby have I seen this day except thirteen of my own and you're welcome to any one of THEM, and kindly. "'As if HIS babby was equal to ours, as my darling Mary Hann said, afterwards. All the station was scrouging round us by this time pawters & clarx and refreshmint people and all.

Naham tam vedini is taken by Nilakantha as implying 'I do not know him, i.e., him that is Emancipate. Asau cha no vetti mam is explained as a due to karanabhat. But who is asau? 'I have no renunciation, or 'renunciation is not yet mine, implies that Emancipation, which directly flows from renunciation, is not mine.

As a midshipman you were too callow, as a lieutenant much too old and serious, but now that you are a battered and wrinkled young captain, you can pay as pretty a compliment as any other gallant youth. Actually three in one hour, Mr. Beverley." "Compliments, mam!" snorted the Captain, with an angry flap of his empty sleeve, "Compliments, I scorn 'em! I say pish, mam, I say bah!

But consider, mam: we live in a progressive age and having made a great contribution to Science you can hardly escape the fame rightfully yours. You are a public figure now and must stand in the light. Miss Francis squatted ungracefully on her heels and looked up from the flowerpot she had been engaged with. "I havent any objection to publicity, hack or otherwise," she said mildly.