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And then Avery's pent fury blazed suddenly forth upon him. "It is your doing!" she said. "You and you alone are responsible for this!" He looked at her malignantly. "Pshaw, my dear Lady Evesham! You are hysterical!" he said. Avery was bending over the bed. "Go!" she said, without looking up. "Go quickly, and fetch a doctor!" And, very curiously, Mr. Lorimer obeyed her. Jeanie rallied.

The wild-dog was what he was, a wild-dog, cringing and sneaking, his ears for ever down, his tail for ever between his legs, for ever apprehending fresh misfortune and ill-treatment to fall on him, for ever fearing and resentful, fending off threatened hurt with lips curling malignantly from his puppy fangs, cringing under a blow, squalling his fear and his pain, and ready always for a treacherous slash if luck and safety favoured.

'You would offer him a poisoned sweetmeat. Malevsky's face changed slightly, and assumed for an instant a Jewish expression, but he laughed directly. 'And as for you, Voldemar,... Zinaida went on, 'but that's enough, though; let us play another game. 'M'sieu Voldemar, as the queen's page, would have held up her train when she ran into the garden, Malevsky remarked malignantly.

Mine tries to cling to me and pull me up and throw me to the ground. With this malignantly heavy thing, animated with barbarous and powerful movement, I cross the ruins of a railway station, all stones and beams. We clamber up an embankment which slips away and avoids us, we drag and push the rebellious and implacable burden. It cannot be reached, that receding height.

But there was no pushing my way through them unnoticed, wedged as I was in a far corner; so I sat still until unfortunately, or fortunately, the eye of Davie chanced to fall upon me, and immediately his yellow face lighted malignantly.

It had edged a little nearer; the head was still bowed and the fine yellow waxen fingers of the hand from which he had removed his glove fumbled with the catalogue's leaves. It may well have been that in those days I read menace in every eye, yet I felt assured that the yellow visitor was eavesdropping was malignantly attentive to the conversation.

He heard through an American that the Morleys had gone to England before the Prussian investment; perhaps Isaura had gone with them. He wrote to Mrs. Morley, inclosing his letter to the Minister of the United States at the Court of St. James's, and while still at Naples received her answer. It was short, and malignantly bitter.

But at heart she was bitter at her poverty, abjectness, and dependence. Poterin knew no languages; but he was also present here, and hissed malignantly at those who answered awkwardly or did not answer at all: "Blockhead! Numskull!" Doulebova sat motionless and made no sign that she heard this zealous hissing and these coarse words. She would give freedom to her tongue later, at luncheon.

But after another year of this life you will be very different you will go off." "In a year?" "Anyway, in a year you will be worth less," I continued malignantly. "You will go from here to something lower, another house; a year later to a third, lower and lower, and in seven years you will come to a basement in the Haymarket. That will be if you were lucky.

Before riding out of the gates, he turned round, and clenching his fist, glanced malignantly at Eustace, and muttered, "You shall aby it." Another shout of "Down with the false Clarenham!