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"I should like to know how," said Cap, returning to her cool good humor. "You would, would you? Demmy, I'll tell you! I have broken haughtier spirits than yours in my life. Would you know how?" "Yes," said Cap, indifferently, still busied with her bracelets. "Stoop and I will whisper the mystery." Capitola bent her graceful head to hear. "With the rod!" hissed Old Hurricane, maliciously.

A woman's heart cannot forget its first possessor, you know; even now that you have lost it with the rest of your estates," she added maliciously. "With the rest of my estates," Geoffrey repeated, almost unconsciously.

"The Five Years of King James," which passes under the name of Sir Fulk Greville, the dignified friend of the romantic Sir Philip Sidney, and is frequently referred to by grave writers, is certainly a Presbyterian's third day's hash for there are parts copied from Arthur Wilson's "History of James I.," who was himself the pensioner of a disappointed courtier; yet this writer never attacks the personal character of the king, though charged with having scraped up many tales maliciously false.

As he stepped forward he saw Greasy grin maliciously and try to snatch a gun from the holster of a cowboy who stood near him. This attempt was frustrated by the puncher, who suddenly dropped his hand to his holster, where it closed upon Greasy's. The puncher snarled, muttered profanely, and struck furiously at Greasy, knocking him down in a corner. Other men moved.

"Can't you see we are too late?" growled Serge, angrily. "Oh yes, that's plain enough," said the old man, maliciously, as he rested upon his staff, "and some great fighting men who win great battles with their tongues are always too late to strike a blow. How is it you are late like that?" "Oh, that's what you want to know, is it?" said Serge, surlily. "Yes," said the old man.

He declined the offer, and maliciously informed Charles of it, who marched an army through France to punish the treason of his subjects in Ghent. Commanding this army in person, he reached the gates of the city, and surrounded its walls, before the people were aware of his presence. "The utmost consternation prevailed in the town, and messengers were sent to the emperor to sue for forgiveness.

For the new Man of Faith will be expending his passion, his desire, and his enthusiasm in the propagation of some reasonable idea. He will be, all unawares, the tool of some superior intelligence." Mr. Scogan chuckled maliciously; it was as though he were taking a revenge, in the name of reason, on enthusiasts.

"I have not asked your force to resign." "Not meaning to, perhaps," countered the young man, maliciously rejoicing in the hope that he had found one vulnerable link in the president's coat of mail. "But if I go, the entire department will go.

Your nature is by now known to all the world, but you have so tempered your pen that never have you written against anyone so frenziedly, nay, what is more abominable, so maliciously. Now it occurs to you that you are a weak sinner, whereas at other times you insist almost on being taken for God.

How maliciously inanimate objects flew up and hit him in the face! How constantly his best efforts went for naught, how invariably he was misunderstood! How great was the glee with which everybody persecuted him and knocked him about the ring! And yet, notwithstanding all his troubles, did he win from us a sympathetic sigh or even the fraction of a tear, except tears of laughter?