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The animal charged me in the most ferocious manner when I was passing peaceably upon my lawful occasions, and had I not snatched my gun from my boy, who promptly bolted, your dearest wish would now be fulfilled. But the trusty weapon did not play me false, and on mature reflection, I have decided not to lay the beast's malice to your account, for lack of evidence.

I misdoubt me much, that this same Sir Christopher Gardiner, as he calls himself, or this Knight of the Golden Melice, as some have it, meaning thereby, doubtless, malice, is no better than some emissary of Satan, unto which opinion his interposing for this blaspheming Joy doth strongly incline me.

"Ye-ye-yes," stammered Mr Case. "I thought it my duty to do so; not out of any malice or ill-will to this good man." "You have done him no injury," said Sir Arthur, coolly. "I am ready to make him a new lease, whenever he pleases, of his farm, and I shall be guided by a memorandum of the original bargain, which he has in his possession. I hope I never shall take an unfair advantage of anyone."

In these it would seem that he attacked the infallibility of the Pope, liable to sin like any other person, and hence to be corrected by the voices of those who are faithful to a higher Power than his, a blow to the exercise of excommunication from any personal grounds of malice or hatred, or when used to extort unjust or mercenary demands.

But no; when I came to look inward, to look backward on my past state, I was conscious all the time of some strong and fierce resentment smouldering deep in my heart at the exact moment of firing. However it might have happened, I was angry with the man with the long white beard: I fired at him hastily, it is true, but with malice prepense and deliberate intent to wound and hurt him.

The latter, who never harbored malice, easily forgave the past, and responded to this change of tone. "I have been upon the best terms with the Admiral," he wrote from Barbadoes to his intended wife in April, 1786, "and I declare I think I could ever remain so.

At the same instant, a dull thud of oars, a subdued murmur of a deep voice rose from the other side of the island. They were coming, coming from the landward, these rescuers of her beloved. And yonder, with swelling canvas, came the hell ship from out the open sea, sent by Rupert's infernal malice and cleverness, to make their help of no avail; to seize him, in the very act of flight.

This release which he could not have contrived had been contrived for him by the suspicions and malice of Marzak. That was the one grain of consolation in the present peril to himself who mattered nothing and to her, who mattered all. Adversity had taught him to prize benefits however slight and to confront perils however overwhelming.

'Good God! what do you mean? said young Hazlewood; 'your words and manner would persuade me you are mad, and yet there is a strange combination in what you say. 'I am not mad! exclaimed the gipsy; 'I have been imprisoned for mad scourged for mad banished for mad but mad I am not. Hear ye, Charles Hazlewood of Hazlewood: d'ye bear malice against him that wounded you?

A woman, asked why her children were absent from school, replied: "Well, sir, you see, we killed our pig that day, and I kept the children at home for a treat; there's no harm in that, sir, I'm sure, for pigs allus dies without malice!" Villagers accept the novel significations which time or fashion gradually confer upon old words very unreadily.