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"What do you say to Trustcott?" he asked. "Will that do?" "Perfectly," said Frank. "Major and Mrs. Trustcott.... Well, shall we be going?" Frank had no particular views as to lodgings, or even to roads, so long as the direction was more or less northward. He was aiming, generally speaking, at Selby and York; and it seemed that this would suit the Major as well as anything else.

Have a care, sir; I warn you that you will have to answer to Major Randolph for any insolence." "I reckon you won't tell Major Randolph what I have to say to you," he returned coolly. Her lips were nearly a grayish hue, but she said scornfully: "And why not? Do you know who you are talking to?"

You did nothing but yell and screech from morning until night. But, by the way, your father met his death in a very singular manner, did he not?" "Yes, sir very singular very singular, indeed," replied the major, promptly, as though he were perfectly familiar with all of the particulars, although in reality he was sorely puzzled to know what to say.

Even Major Pound, who sat at his hostess's right, noticed after a time Adelle's preoccupation, although he could be trusted to monologize egotistically by the half-hour. He had started zestfully on the building trades in San Francisco. The settlement of the long strike did not seem to please him any more than it had Tom Clark.

In fact, deduction depends on induction for its very existence. To overthrow a deductive argument all that is necessary is to show the error in the inductive process that built up either one or both of the premises. The tests for deduction are: Are both premises true? Is the fact stated in the minor premise an instance of the general law expressed in the major premise?

A loud cheer broke from the garrison, and the Major looking round saw the Doctor standing by the parapet waving his hat, while Isobel stood beside him looking down at the scene of conflict. "Lie down, Isobel," he shouted; "they will be opening fire again directly."

He handed it to Major Michler to have it copied, and the original returned to me, which Michler did two or three days after the battle. Buell did cross over that night, and the next day we assumed the offensive and swept the field, thus gaining the battle decisively.

"We were beginning to think you long," said the captain as they reached the cocoa-nut grove, having found that though there were signs of palm leaves and young trees having been cut by the mouth of the stream this had not been selected as the site of the huts. "We've been a long way," said the major. "Not empty-handed, you see."

We crossed the Vistula opposite Marienwerder, and had got as far as Riesenberg, when Major Legendre came into my room in the post-house with an open paper in his hand. 'You are to leave me, said he, with despair upon his face. It was no very great grief to me to do that, for he was, if I may say so, hardly worthy to have such a subaltern. I saluted, however, in silence.

As a matter of fact, and in the process of time, I did read somewhat of all these, but rather in the minor than the major way; and I soon went off from them to the study of the modern poets, novelists, and playwrights who interested me so much more.