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Give up the girl and the child to their legal protectors, and no harm shall befall either life or property. We shall be on shipboard in half-an-hour. I shall see to it that every man within the castle is rewarded from the Maitland money that is safe beyond seas, out of the reach of King George! Of that, at least I made sure, serving twice seven years for it in the service of a hard master.

"Unknown? What rubbish. I sent a note by Sam Wigglesworth, who gave it to some of you for Adrien. What about it?" As they approached the entrance to the Maitland Mills Vic saw a stream of employees issue from the gate. "Nothing more at present," he said. "This is my corner. Let me out. I am in an awful hurry, Jack." "Will you tell me, please, what all this means?" said Jack angrily.

An instant later, O'Hagan returned, bearing a slip of white pasteboard which he deposited on the desk before Maitland. "'James Burleson Snaith," Maitland read aloud from the faultlessly engraved card. "I don't know him. What does he want?" "Wouldn't say, sor; seemed surprised whin I towld him ye were in, an' said he was glad to hear it business pressin', says he."

All who in early youth have known the torture of apprehension will be able to judge of the poor child's agony when, after four months of a life amid the warmth of sympathy, one of the Jesuit fathers who directed the college announced to him, thinking it would afford him pleasure, the expected arrival of an American, of young Lincoln Maitland.

In these international circumstances, then, Maitland believed he showed the wisdom of the serpent when he ordered dinner in the fearless old fashion attributed by tradition to the Milords of the past But he had reckoned without his appetite. A consequence of sea-travel, neither uncommon nor alarming, is the putting away of all desire to eat and drink.

To Smith, lover of his city as he was, these truths were peculiarly obvious; and to Helen Maitland, seeing them largely from the angle of Smith's vision, they became the truth no less.

An excited whisper was heard from every corner, and many were the half-audible comments that were broken off by the imperative fall of the crier's gavel. So tense had been the strain that it was some time before complete order could be restored. When it was again quiet Maitland continued: "Your Honour and Gentlemen of the Jury: We will rest our case here for to-day.

Fanny was very uncomfortable and fixed her eyes on the table. Zoe, deeply shocked at Severne's deceit, was now amazed and puzzled about her brother. "Ina Klosking!" inquired she; "who is that?" "Ask Mr. Severne," said Miss Maitland, sturdily. Now Mr. Severne was sitting silent, but with restless eyes, meditating how he should get over that figment of his about the sick friend.

But the grand- nephew of Urban VII, seated between sublime Fanny Hafner, in pale blue, and pretty Alba Steno, in bright red, opposite Madame Maitland, so graceful in her mauve toilette, had in no manner the air of a man crushed by adversity. The subdued light revealed his proud manly face, which had lost none of its gay hauteur.

"But when I insisted that I should have wherewith to clear me and Bridget also, he cast the letter down, dibbling it into the pebbles and sand with his heel just as he was going aboard. "'There, he cried, 'now you can put it on me!" "Lalor Maitland," said the Fiscal, ruminating, with his brow knit at the letter in his hand. "Where is that maid? Bring her here!"