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Roebuck, founder of the celebrated Carron Iron Works near by, which Burns apostrophised in these lines, when denied admittance: "We cam na here to view your works In hopes to be mair wise, But only lest we gang to hell It may be nae surprise." He was approached upon the subject by Dr.

"In Greek and Latin?" "I' richteousness an' trouth, my lord; in what's been an' what is to be." "What! has he the second sicht, like the piper?" "He has the second sicht, my lord but ane 'at gangs a sicht farther than my auld daddy's." "He could tell me then what's going to become of me? "As weel 's ony man, my lord." "That 's not saying much, I fear." "Maybe mair nor ye think, my lord."

So dinna fash yourself and me mair about it." "I'd like to see him, anyhow," said he, taking a step towards the study-door. "But you'll no' see him about any such matter," and Janet placed herself before him. "I'm no' to hae the minister vexed with the like o' that nonsense to-night, or any night. I wonder you dinna think shame, to hold up your face to me, forby the minister.

The tempest which had convulsed Mrs Findlay's atmosphere, had swept its vapours with it as it passed away; and when she entered the cavern, it was with an unwonted inclination to be friendly all round. As fate would have it, she unwittingly took her place by Mrs Mair, whom she had not seen since she gave Lizzy shelter.

I'll wad my best buckskins, and they were new coft at Kirkcudbright Fair, it's been a chance job after a'. But if ye hae naething mair to say to me, I am thinking I maun gang and see my beasts fed'; and he departed accordingly. The hostler, who had accompanied him, gave evidence to the same purpose. He and Mrs.

Middleburgh I wad gie a' these grey hairs that she has brought to shame and sorrow I wad gie the auld head they grow on for her life, and that she might hae time to amend and return, for what hae the wicked beyond the breath of their nosthrils? but I'll never see her mair No! that that I am determined in I'll never see her mair!"

I never saw a face I liked better, or a lad that was mair douce and canny I thought he had been some gentleman under trouble. But I gie him up, the villain! to shoot Charles Hazlewood and before the young ladies, poor innocent things! I gie him up. "So you admit, then, that such a person lodged here the night before this vile business?" "Did you by any chance learn his name?"

And as for the greatness of your parts, Bartley, the folk in the close-head* maun ken mair about them than I do, if they make sic a report of them." "I tell ye, woman," said Saddletree, in high dudgeon, "that ye ken naething about these matters.

"She could not speak mair plainly," answered Elspeth, "without confessing her ain fraud, and she would have submitted to be torn by wild horses, rather than unfold what she had done; and if she had still lived, so would I for her sake.

Is it more money you wish?" "Five shillings mair," said he, "and hersel' will bring ye there." I reflected a while and then offered him two, which he accepted greedily, and insisted on having in his hands at once "for luck," as he said, but I think it was rather for my misfortune.