United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Every one of these bunches had one burning ambition that was to initiate the very best men in the Freshman class every fall. That made it necessary for us, in order to maintain our proud position, to disappoint each one of them every year and to make ourselves about as popular as the directors of a fresh-air and drinking-water trust. Of course we always disappointed them.

In reference to the Treaty of 1852, I have to repeat what I stated on a previous occasion that it was not a treaty of guarantee, that the Governments of France and Russia were competent to acknowledge the treaty, but that they had not pledged themselves to maintain the connexion of Schleswig and Denmark, that not being a question of the general balance of power in Europe.

Was it worth while to maintain a staff of astronomers for the sole purpose of keeping hold over the identity of the innumerable component particles of a cosmical ring?

It should prepare the student to think complicated business problems through to the end and to put the results of his thinking together into an effective working plan. Finally, it should maintain an atmosphere in which business problems are regarded in a large and public-spirited way.

On the question of the hiring of armed forces by the railroads the Industrial Relations Commission Report has this to say: "Under the authority granted by the several states the railroads maintain a force of police, and some, at least, have established large arsenals of arms and ammunition.

Remember also that eminent text made mention of in 1 Samuel 12:20, "Fear not; ye have done all this wickedness"; and labour to maintain faith in thy soul, of thy being a child, it being true that thou hast received the spirit of adoption before, and so that thou oughtest not to fall under thy first fears, because the ground is taken away, of thy eternal damnation.

The mother, finding that her son would not follow his father's business, shut up the shop, sold off the implements of trade, and with the money she received for them, and what she could get by spinning cotton, thought to maintain herself and her son.

"Polly dear, this letter makes me able to maintain you as you ought to be maintained, and there is still a fortnight of vacation for me. Polly, will you marry me tomorrow?" "No, certainly not, sir." "Then will you marry me on Monday?" "Do you truly, truly want me to?" "Truly, truly." "Then, yes," and the dear girl again came blushing into my arms.

In this action some of the workmen received large wounds; he who commanded them reckons a great number, which he received in the various combats they had to maintain. At last their united efforts succeeded in dispersing the masses that advanced furiously against them. During this combat, Mr.

I maintain that one only can be efficacious, and that is banishment from the realm. I am told that the measure is too severe. What! you are then blind and mute at all that occurs! Are you then ignorant that a priest can effect more mischief than all your enemies? I am answered, 'Ah! you should not persecute. My answer is, that to punish is not to persecute.