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"You're not going to get that information, and the sooner you understand that the better!" "Say!" exclaimed the third voice that of a man if you don't tell us, we'll " "Mail!" cried Jack, in a loud voice, as he sprang into the place through the window.

This defect would be a glaring one in the nude; why should it be beautiful under the costume? I will not venture upon the reasons which induce women to incase themselves in these coats of mail.

"Dearest Bob," it ran, "you will get this letter only a mail before our arrival. I had not meant to write again, but cannot resist doing so, to give you the earliest news about it. Sir Richard has changed his mind! You know, in my last, I told you he had helped to assist several poor families from this quarter as well as mother and me, and Matty.

It was in late September that the mail brought her a note from Jim. Julia's heart felt a second of paralyzing cramp as she put her hand on the letter; she read its dozen lines in a haze of dancing light; the letters seemed to swim together. Jim wrote that he was at home for a few days, and was most anxious to see her, and to have a talk that would be of advantage to them both.

"Nurse Mackie of course comes back with me next packet; this letter goes by the overland mail more quickly than we can; gladly would I go too, but the old woman, whose life is essential to your rights, would die of fatigue by the way; as it is, I am obliged to coddle her, and feed her, and ptisan her, like a sick baby, bless her dear old heart that loves my darling Emmy!

The mail from the Atlantic seaboard, across the Isthmus of Darien to San Francisco, took at least twenty-two days. The route across the desert by stage occupied nearly a month. To reduce this time was the absorbing thought of the hour.

He was everywhere pleasantly received in some places with an expression of surprise at his youth but when he began to talk he proved to be so well informed upon the subject of his call that any prejudice excited by his age quickly vanished. He had the satisfaction of securing several unexpectedly large orders for the chair, and transmitting them to Mr. Jennings by the afternoon mail.

We had given up all idea of moving freight, and were centring everything on the passenger trains, when a message came from Beverly that the fast mail was off track in the cut below the hill, and I ordered out the wrecking gang and a plough battery for the run down.

Well, you look kind o' peaked. Don't work too hard, child. Maybe something's worryin' you something you ain't told me. No man I don't know about, is there?" and the mother's sad eyes searched the daughter's. To all these inquiries the girl only shook her head, adding that the down mail was late and a big one and she had hurried to sort it.

Still, as week after week went by, her hope that O'Harrall had quitted the country, and that he would not again venture to molest her, increased. She heard occasionally from Ellen, though letters were long in coming, and more than once the mail had been stopped on the road and plundered a too frequent occurrence to be thought much of in those days.