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Lastly came the mail-carrier with a large official envelope marked, "Pension Bureau, Washington." He shouted up the stairway: "Krueger! Letter!" The landlord came to the door and was glad. So it had come, had it? "Run, Emma," he said to his little daughter, "run and tell Mr. Godfrey his letter has come." The child skipped up the steps gleefully.

Give me the lantern;" and the mail-carrier took the light and flashed it over Chillis's face. "I don't know whether he's asleep, or has fainted, or what. He's awful white, an' there's an ugly cut in his shoulder, an' his coat all torn away. Must have hurt himself tryin' to right his boat, I guess. George! the iron on the rowlock must have struck right into the flesh."

There's a stranger here who seems very ill." The mail-carrier would have asked questions, but she cut him short. "How long will it be before you can tell Gordon?" she asked. "Well," answered the man reflectively, "I'm heading right back for the settlement, but it's a league to Gordon's, anyway.

In another room are miniature mail-coaches of different kinds. In the centre of this apartment stands a life-size figure of a mail-carrier in Germany of four hundred years ago.

Making a New Home Carriere's Kitchen The Navvies' Salle-a-Manger A Curious Milking Custom Insect Plagues Peterboro' Canoes Fishing Trips Mail-day Indian dread of drowning The Indian Mail-carrier and his Partner Talking by Telegraph Prairie Fires. A detailed account of how we spent the next few weeks would be of little interest, so I will only give it in outline.

Then, still chuckling, he slipped into the crowd and out of the Last Chance. As he went he coughed and spat a mouthful of blood. Once the mail-carrier had been apprised of the amazing incidents which had occurred during his temporary inattention, he vowed vengeance in a mighty voice, and his threats found echo in the throats of his two companions.

The threatened storm came, and with it high wind which piled the snow into deep, hard drifts, making the mountain road nearly impassible. Dorian found the mail-carrier who told him that it would be impossible to make a start until the storm had ceased. All day the snow fell, and all day Dorian fretted impatiently, and was tempted to once more go out to Mr. and Mrs. Whitman; but he did not.

During the saint's illness he had written her two letters, which his friends at the Bedouin camp had promised to deliver to the next desert mail-carrier who passed their hamlet. He had sent a runner to the village to which he had told Margaret that she was to write. The runner returned, bearing no letter.

Up the road went the little black mules at their steady trot, while Fritz thundered at them occasional words of endearment and cheer. These fancies occupied the mind of the mail-carrier until he reached the big post oak forest, eight miles from Ballinger's. Here his ruminations were scattered by the sudden flash and report of pistols and a whooping as if from a whole tribe of Indians.

Meantime the subject of all this discussion was not oblivious to the fact that some strange undercurrent of feeling was working against him. Coonie was the instrument used to make a reality out of the intangible thing. The mail-carrier was coming slowly down the hill one September morning with hanging head and sullen mien.