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To him even the political complexion of his mail-carrier is a matter of importance. But these illustrations only show that party politics may be carried to extremes that are inconsistent with the best interests of the community. This system went into operation in Brooklyn in January, 1882, and seems to have given general satisfaction.

They knew what the charge was. It was the defence they all wanted to hear. That had been the topic of conversation around the tavern stoves of Bug Hollow for months past. Cartwright began by asking that the mail-carrier be recalled. The little man again took the stand. The methods of these police-court lawyers always interest me. They are gamblers in evidence, most of them.

This statement, which was not only plausible but true, gave a new direction to Sis's anger. "Well, I don't see how anybody that thinks anything of himself could be a mail-carrier for Sue Fraley!" she exclaimed scornfully; whereupon she flounced out, leaving Woodward in a state of bewilderment. He had not made love to the girl, principally because her moods were elusive and her methods unique.

It was agreed, at Roderick's suggestion, that he should carry it home, as he was nearer the fur-buyers, take the first offer over that sum, and then send the half due by the law of the woods to Malcolm north by the earliest mail-carrier. Malcolm added as he said good-bye, "I reckon maybe Father will want to let t' barrel go as good luck on t' bargain."

Big Olaf is in town. He came up from Circle City last month. He is one of the most terrible dog-mushers in the country, and if he enters he will be your most dangerous man. Arizona Bill is another. He's been a professional freighter and mail-carrier for years. If he goes in, interest will be centered on him and Big Olaf." "And you intend me to come along as a sort of dark horse." "Exactly.

I didn't catch all that was going on, but it certainly sounded like the plans and specifications of a garroting!" "No such excitement here," said Smith. But his eyes were sparkling. "I was going the rounds with a mail-carrier. How do you explain that, doc? I've never given mail-carrying a second thought." "That would have nothing to do with it.

Nasmyth, as she had half-expected, said nothing, and, slipping into another room there were three in the house she returned, wearing a jacket of coarse fur, and went quietly out into the rain. It was dark now, but she had, as it happened, not long to wait for the mail-carrier. "I want you to call at Gordon's ranch, Dave," she told the man. "Tell him he is to come along as soon as he can.

The man who had gone up into that great desolation had been endued with an almost fantastic sense of honour, and now he might never even know that she loved him. She admitted that she had loved him several months ago. Next morning, the mail-carrier, who drove up to the homestead half-frozen and white all over out of a haze of falling snow, brought Agatha a note from Gregory.

There was Coonie, now, if he set his sharp tongue going against the elder there would be no end to the trouble. He glanced up and saw the subject of his thoughts coming slowly down the road in his old buckboard. Why the Glenoro mail-carrier was called Coonie instead of Henry Greene, which was his real name, was, like all that gentleman's personal affairs, shrouded in mystery.

Egerton stepped towards the buckboard, and Coonie grinned as he saw the brilliant polish of his boots disappear in the grey dust of the road. "Hope you're likin' Glenoro," he said as he handed out the parcel. John Egerton met the unaccustomed friendliness of the mail-carrier with the utmost cordiality.