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Mahon's open palm fell on Whiskers' rump, and in the very midst of rearing about she leaped forward into the light. Mahon rubbed his eyes. A wild laugh came to his lips. This was no pinto. No ugly blotches there only a dead brown. Whiskers? As ridiculous as his other fancies of late. But it must be Whiskers' twin sister. The Indian and his horse were gone, racing back at full speed.

I had defended the burning of Christy Mahon's leg on the ground that an artist need but make his characters self-consistent, and yet, that too was observation, for 'although these people are kindly towards each other and their children, they have no sympathy for the suffering of animals, and little sympathy for pain when the person who feels it is not in danger. I had thought it was in the wantonness of fancy Martin Dhoul accused the smith of plucking his living ducks, but a few lines further on, in this book where moral indignation is unknown, I read, 'Sometimes when I go into a cottage, I find all the women of the place down on their knees plucking the feathers from live ducks and geese.

Another friend, my old and particularly valued friend, Professor Sniff, curator of Mahon's Museum of Marvels but I'll let that affair pass; for Professor Sniff certainly did not intend to wound my feelings by his apparent indifference; moreover, he has promised to send me for my private collection all the duplicates that occur in section E of his museum, which section is devoted exclusively to dried centipedes, tarantulas, and beetles and to Mexican lizards in bottles of alcohol.

The junction of the two columns advancing to the relief of Mafeking Plumer's from the north and Mahon's from the south was effected at the right moment, for it is doubtful whether either of them acting alone would have been able to deal with Delarey. Plumer with the Rhodesian Regiment had been trekking here and there and skirmishing with the enemy for seven months.

A wing of the Suffolk Regiment went with them. On October 13th Mahon's brigade met with a sharp resistance, and lost ten killed and twenty-nine wounded. On the 14th the force entered Carolina.

Without a word the two Policemen separated and dropped into the shadows on either side of the shaft of light from the doorway. "Go into the other room, Helen." Mahon's order was sharp and low. On came the racing horse, the pound of its hoofs echoing through the trees like the charge of a troop, filling the vast silence with piercing fancies.

Mahon's motherly countenance, but she answered gently: "My dear, I never pay any attention to the superstition. Still a hostess will not insist upon making a guest uncomfortable. Tom," she continued, addressing her youngest son, "you will oblige me by taking your luncheon afterward."

A storm of bullets rattled from the trees among the timbers and whistled above Mahon's head as he lay under cover of the grade. Then a new peril startled him. Three rifles cracked in rapid succession from behind the stable. For a moment Mahon thought of stalking them, but reflection decided him against it. It was a risk too great to justify exposing his life.

As an enterprise it was in many ways not unlike Mahon's dash on Mafeking, but without any friendly force with which to join hands at the end. However from the beginning all went well. On the 30th the force had reached Warm Baths, where a great isolated hotel already marks the site of what will be a rich and fashionable spa.

Napier with the highly finished articles on Horace Walpole and Lord Chatham, and to gratify a political opponent, who was destined to be a life-long friend, by his kindly criticism and spirited summary of Lord Mahon's "History of the War of the Succession in Spain."