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It was against such a background of economic confusion that Magrath wrote to the Governor of North Carolina making a revolutionary proposal.

"That was an affair in which one might engage at twenty-two, Magrath," observed Bluewater; "but which he ought to hesitate about thinking of even, after thirty."

He said if they would send a commissioner to lay their claims before the authorities at Washington, he would send another to represent the condition of the fort; and the Government could then form its own judgment, and come to some decision. Judge Magrath replied that he would report the proposition to Governor Pickens for his action.

For this purpose two representative men came over from the city on the 11th, in the little steamer Antelope, under a white flag. The party consisted of the late United States district judge, A.G. Magrath, now Secretary of State for South Carolina, and General D.F. Jamison, their new Secretary of War.

I'll not be beaten in learning, however, by any Frenchman who ever floated. Go below, Locker, and desire Doctor Magrath to step up here, if he is not occupied with the wounded. He knows more Latin than any man in the ship." "Yes, Sir Jarvy, but this is French, you knows, your honour, and is'nt as Latin, at all.

"The folks round 'ere," he said, "are hexactly like hus." He would have accorded higher praise, had he known any. Why this great difference? Look around the shop-keepers' signs in Tipperary or Tuam and note the names. Ruane, Magrath, Maguire, O'Doherty, O'Brien, O'Flanagan, O'Shaughnessy, and so in sæcula sæculorum. In Newry you see a striking change.

They still continued to maintain themselves in the country, so that during the worst days of the seventeenth century the Franciscans and Dominicans were to be reckoned with as the most dangerous opponents of the religious policy of the English government. Only in case of one bishop, the notorious Miler Magrath, was Elizabeth able to secure submission.

Soundings not think, when he has his ordinary duties to perform, but he holds the process itself in merited contempt, ye'll obsairve; and so my theory is established, by evidence of a pairty concerned; which is more than a postulate logically requires." Here Magrath dropped his book, and laughed with that sort of hissing sound that seems peculiar to the genus of which he formed a part.

'Who, says she, 'but but Mogue himself only honor bright, Mr. Magrath' says she, 'sure you wouldn't betray me? 'Honor bright again, says I, 'I'm not the stuff a traitor's made of; and so you see we both laughed heartily, bekaise we understood one another. Mogue," proceeded the other, "will you answer me the truth in one thing?" "If I can I will, Misther Magrath.

"I'd bet a hundred guineas, Magrath has had some influence over him, in this matter give the Blenheim a wider berth, Sir Wycherly, I wish to see how she looks aloft he's a d d fellow, that Magrath," no one swore in Sir Gervaise's boat but himself, when the vice-admiral's flag was flying in her bows; "and he's just the sort of man to put such a notion into the chaplain's head."