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I was cooking the bacon and pan-bread the next morning when Gifford, who had gone early into the hole with a bucket of water and a scrubbing-brush, came running up to the shack with his eyes bulging. "We we've got it!" he gasped. "Where's that magnifying-glass?" I left the bacon to burn if it wanted to and ran with him to the shallow shaft.

"Was it a new knife, a whole one, I mean, with all its blades sharp and in good order?" "Yes. I can say that. I handled it several times." "Then, whose blade left that?" And again she pointed to the same place on the stick where her finger had fallen before. "I don't know what you mean." The sergeant looked puzzled. Perhaps, his eyesight was not very keen. "Have you a magnifying-glass?

It divides our power between two or more things when it should be directed upon a single thing. Concentration gives us greater and greater mind-power. If you hold a magnifying-glass between your hand and the sun you will find that at a certain distance the sunlight is in a circle.

He handed her a powerful magnifying-glass and through it the clumsy forgery stood out in all its crudeness, showing plainly where other names had been erased and these inserted. Zita was greatly disappointed, for she had thought that at last she would establish her identity. Then she remembered the paper she had hidden in her shoe.

The partition which separated the yard from that of the house next door, was old, and in a very dilapidated condition, while that at the bottom was almost new, and was armed at the top with a row of bristling nails. Bringing the powerful magnifying-glass I had brought with me for such a purpose, to bear upon it, I examined it carefully from end to end. The result more than justified the labour.

Smith peeped through the magnifying-glass, which made the objects start out from the canvas with magical deception, he began to recognize the farmhouse, the tree and both the figures of the picture. The young man in times long past had often met his gaze within the looking-glass; the girl was the very image of his first love his cottage-love, his Martha Burroughs. Mr. Smith was scandalized.

I could not say definitely whether the woman in the photograph was Jennie Brice or not; under a magnifying-glass thought it might be. Defense called Jonathan Alexander, a druggist who testified that on the night in question he had been roused at half past three by the prisoner, who had said his wife was ill, and had purchased a bottle of a proprietary remedy from him.

There were two brushes, twelve combs, three pair of scissors, a penknife, a little bottle of ink, some pens, a woman's thimble, a piece of wax, a case of needles, thread and silk, a piece of India ink, and a camel's hair brush, sealing-wax, sticking plaster, a box of pills, some tape and bobbin, paper of pins, a magnifying-glass, silver pencil-case, some money in a purse, black shoe-ribbon, and many other articles which I have forgotten.

That day we had been too busy with fishing to think of anything else, but on the following I recollected the magnifying-glass, and brought it to her.

There, at the desk at which he was accustomed to transact business, and with as much indifference as he could assume, Morris presented the forged cheque to the big, red-bearded Scots teller. The teller seemed to view it with surprise; and as he turned it this way and that, and even scrutinized the signature with a magnifying-glass, his surprise appeared to warm into disfavour.