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It is a big dim room with books all the way up to the ceiling and a comfortable leather lounge upon which he sinks, picks up a magazine from a little table beside it and starts ruffling the pages idly. The chirrup of a telephone bell that seems to come out of the wall beside him makes him jump. Then he remembers that must be Mr. Piper's office through the closed door there.

The British government during the war of 1812 built at Nid d'Aigle, or "Worden's," a fortification consisting of an earthwork, or "half-moon battery," with magazine in rear and a block-house at the crest of the hill still farther to the rear, the ruins of which are frequently visited by tourists.

The way in which he jumped and kicked on feeling the lead told me I had hit him hard, and I got two more bullets into him from the magazine of my .303 before he managed to gain the shelter of a neighbouring thicket and was lost to sight. In the meantime the whole herd had thundered off at full gallop, disappearing in a few minutes in a cloud of dust.

I myself prefer the affections to the sciences. The story of the heart is the deepest of all histories; and Shakespeare is profounder and longer lived than Maclaurin, or Malthus, or Ricardo. He visited the Universities, in which he much delighted: he fraternized with many of the contributors to the "London Magazine." He received the letters and calls of his admirers strangers and others.

For all these we are indebted to the chemists who first invented and introduced them into practice; although the use and application, as well as the methods of administering them to the sick, to cure various other diseases than those they were first used for, has been greatly improved by several learned and ingenious physicians. See Magazine of Natural History, April, 1830.

"Its merits?" demanded Vasilovich, impatiently. "What are its merits? I see nothing peculiar about it excepting this cylinder from which the barrel projects. Is that a magazine?" "It is," answered the professor; "it accommodates twenty cartridges. But that is not the most extraordinary thing about it. Can you discover the method of firing the weapon?" "No," answered Vasilovich, "I cannot.

He abandoned the searching examinations which had kept me on the rack for nearly eight months, and our relations became much more agreeable. Apart from bearing my share in the routine work of dealing with the news of the day and with the current magazine literature my principal duty gradually assumed the form of furnishing humor on demand.

When rebellion had raided a successful front, and its armies threatened the very existence of the Republic, it was impossible to permit a magazine, which in its circulation reached the best intellects in the land, to remain insensible or indifferent to the dangers which threatened the Union.

We had seen many shells explode, and one magazine, and would have waited for the other, if the clouds had not threatened rain speedily. But we had to leave her a mere wreck, still burning, and started off on our long walk. In our hurry, I had brought neither handkerchief nor gloves, but hardly missed either, I was so excited. Mr.

Out of his whole crew but sixty remained alive; many of them badly wounded. He quietly announced to his officers and men his decision never to surrender, in which all concurred. They knelt together upon the deck, and the admiral made a prayer, which all fervently joined. With his own hand Klaaszoon then lighted the powder magazine, and the ship was blown into the air.