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He crossed to the Tocsin and caught her in his arms. "Oh, my God Marie!" he faltered. The cape and hood had fallen from her, and with the hood had fallen the gray-streaked hair of Silver Mag and now as she smiled at him it was from a face that was very beautiful and very brave and very full of tenderness. And he held her there and neither spoke.

"Oh, Mag," said Carrie, "don't be superstitious. I am a great deal better, and when you come home you will find me in the parlor." In the lower hall Mr. Hamilton caressed his little Willie, who begged that he, too, might go. "Don't leave, me, Maggie, don't," said he, as Mag came up to say good-by.

A young hen makes a particularly fine dish at table: the flesh of the breast is full of triangular cavities. The Bustard accordingly bears a high price in the Indian markets: in some districts it is called the florikan. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. iii. p. 517.

It was agreeable to observe, that he was free from the discontent and fretfulness which too often molest old age. He in the summer of that year walked to Rotherhithe, where he dined, and walked home in the evening. He died on the 31st of December, 1791. BOSWELL. The version of Maphæsus's 'bombastic' additional Canto is advertised in the Gent. Mag. 1758, p. 233. The engraver of Mr.

'Exercise cannot secure us from that dissolution to which we are decreed: but while the soul and body continue united, it can make the association pleasing, and give probable hopes that they shall be disjoined by an easy separation. The Correspondence may be seen at length in the Gent. Mag. Feb. 1786. BOSWELL. Johnson, advising Dr. Here he met Hannah More. Dr.

"You can see it's worth trying for, old girl. Six guineas down for the interview, and say another four for a short story, not counting getting into print at last. Go in and win, say I. I'm sending with this an English mag. or two, with interviews in to show you the style of thing they need. "You can easily find him out; he's sure to be at one of the hotels.

"I'm better now," she said with an effort; "it's only a kind o' blind chill I must hev got on the Marsh last night. What's that?" She had risen, and grasping her brother's arm tightly had turned quickly to the window. The casement had suddenly rattled. "It's only the wind gettin' up. It looked like a sou'wester when I came in. Lot o' scud flyin'. But YOU take some quinine, Mag.

I really think, if O'Flaherty had had a pistol within reach, he would have been tempted to deliver himself summarily from that agonising situation. 'I'm afraid, lieutenant, you've got the toothache, said Miss Mag, with her usual agreeable simplicity. In his alacrity to assure her there was no such thing, he actually swallowed one of the bags.

My hair was very heavy and long, and I had a chance to sit in a window at Troyon's where they were advertising a hair tonic and " Rotten? Of course it was. I'd no business to gabble, and just because you and your new job, Mag, came to my mind at that minute, there I went putting my foot in it. Moriway laughed. I didn't like the sound of his laugh. "Your reader is versatile, Mr. Latimer," he said.

Gent. Mag. xxx. 107. Horace Walpole says that in the alarm raised by him in Ireland, 'the bankers there stopped payment. Memoirs of the Reign of George II, iii. 224. 'Some for renown on scraps of learning doat, And think they grow immortal as they quote. Young's Love of Fame, sat. i.