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But, as poppa says, a great deal of trouble would be saved if people who feel that they can't describe things would be willing to consider the alternative of leaving them alone; and I will only dwell on St. Moritz long enough to say that it nearly shattered one of Mr. Mafferton's most cherished principles.

There was also a parasol and it twisted indifferently. "Ah among the leaves! And were they as thick as William says they are?" "I don't understand you." And, indeed, this levity assorted incomprehensively with the black despair that sat on Dicky's countenance. It was really very painful in spite of Mrs. Portheris's unusual humanity and Mr. Mafferton's obvious though embarrassed joy, and as Mrs.

"Dear old London," I went on reminiscently, "what a funny experience it was!" "To the Transatlantic mind," responded Mr. Mafferton stiffly, "one can imagine it instructive." "It was a revelation to mine," I said earnestly "a revelation." Then, remembering Mr. Mafferton's somewhat painful connection with the revelation, I added carefully, "From a historic point of view.

"I don't know whether I ought to tell you, but the fact is Mafferton's just got the sack I beg your pardon just been congéed himself. They say she was an American and it was a bad case; she behaved most unfeelingly." "You shouldn't believe all you hear," I said, "but I don't see what that has to do with it." "Why, he's just in the mood to console himself.

Mafferton's second attempt upon my insignificant hand to be precise, I wear fives and a quarter but he began by saying that he thought we could do better than that, meaning the second floor back, and he mentioned Park Lane.

He said there was something so interesting about seeing one's name in print he always did it. I was very curious to see instances of Mr. Mafferton's name in print, and finally induced him to show them to me. They were mainly advertisements for lost dogs "Apply to the Hon. Charles Mafferton," and the reward was very considerable.

Mafferton's eye glistened with appreciation of the confidence reposed in him. "I shall be most happy," he said, "if Dod doesn't mind." But Dicky, with indecent haste, was already in the coupé. "Don't mention it, Mafferton," he said out of the window.

Mafferton, as a secret, that there was hardly any chance of my union with Dicky after what poppa had said. When I assured him that I had no intention whatever of disobeying my parent in a matter of which he was so much better qualified to be a judge than I, it was impossible not to see Mr. Mafferton's good opinion of me rising in his face.

Dicky insinuated himself with difficulty into Mr. Mafferton's vacant place opposite Mrs. Portheris, and even before the carriages started I saw that he was going to have a bad time. His own version of the experience was painful in the extreme, and he represented the climax as having occurred just as they arrived at the hotel.