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Three fine half-length figures of saints complete this composition, each of great interest and individuality, but not necessary to the unity of action the Madonna alone making a complete picture. There are two copies of this work, one in the Belvedere at Vienna, and one in the Louvre at Paris. The motif of this picture is not unique in art, as will have been remarked in passing.

Eddie revelled in these recitals even while he shuddered at the way in which the old man gave them. "Ah, this is a wicked old world," said Droom, refilling his pipe and showing his teeth as he puffed. "That's why I have those pictures of the Madonna on the wall to keep me from forgetting that there are beautiful things in the world in spite of its ugliness and hypocrisy. I haven't much "

On the walls at the sides the same order of columns is repeated; and above that tomb, in the central space, is a Madonna in half-relief, with the Dead Christ: which Madonna is between King David and S. John the Baptist; and on the other side are S. Andrew and Jeremiah the Prophet.

It was widely believed that this child's mother was Madonna Giovanna de' Catanei, who soon became quite openly the cardinal's mistress, and was maintained by him in such state as might have become a maitresse en titre. But, as we shall see later, the fact of that maternity of Girolama is doubtful in the extreme.

The old painters loved to decorate their Madonna pictures with all the most beautiful things they could think of, or most loved.

"There was a time," he confessed apropos of the nymphs, "when I thought those ladies the best ever. Young eyes won't hesitate between a plump Venus and a lean Madonna." "And now?" "Well, I haven't altogether renounced the world, the flesh, and the devil, but my taste has changed.

And I shall always bless that man for his kindness to the children when they were so sick, and for the consoling way in which he talked to me at that time". "His doctrenes are every way delytarious, and you'll find that's the end on't", said Mrs. McNab. To this dogmatic remark Mrs. Campbell made no reply. Sitting in the Madonna room, that evening, John remarked to Mr.

He is meant to be like that, and he is that he is that! Do you hear? That is what I am ready to do. But you you ! Ah, Madonna! Ah, Madre benedetta!" He threw up both his hands suddenly, looked at the ceiling and shook his head sharply from side to side. Then he slapped his hands gently and repeatedly against his knees, and a grim and almost venerable look came into his mobile face.

"He was offered to God. And that God accepted the gift, He showed when He gave Giovanni back to life. How, then, could it come to pass that Agostino should have no call? Would God reject that which He had accepted?" Fra Gervasio rose again. "You go too deep for me, Madonna," he said bitterly.

I do not say that the Madonna di S. Sisto, the Madonna del Cardellino, and such others, have not had considerable religious influence on certain minds, but I say that on the mass of the people of Europe they have had none whatever, while by far the greater number of the most celebrated statues and pictures are never regarded with any other feelings than those of admiration of human beauty, or reverence for human skill.