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Mercy at her window, where was her usual seat now, saw them coming, and instinctively connected their appearance with her father's new measures of protection; and when the men turned toward the kitchen, she ran down to learn what she could. Rob greeted her with a smile as he entered. "I am going to fetch the Macruadh," he whispered, and turning went out again.

There was nothing in these mountains that would hurt her! The red deer were ^sometimes dangerous, but none were even within sight! Yet something like fear was growing in her! Why should she be afraid? Everything about her certainly did look strange, as if she had nothing to do with it, and it had nothing to do with her; but that was all! Ian Macruadh must be wrong!

In the bosom of young Alister Macruadh, the fatherly relation of the strong to the weak survived the disappearance of most of the outward signs of clan-kindred: the chieftainship was SUBLIMED in him. The more the body of outer fact died, the stronger grew in him the spirit of the relation.

You know the old proverb, Macruadh, 'When poverty comes in at the door, ?" "There is hardly a question of poverty in the sense the proverb intends!" answered the chief smiling. "Of course! Of course! At the same time you cannot keep the wolf too far from the door. I would not, for my part, care to say I had given my daughter to a poor farmer in the north.

Two men, it is, I believe, you employ, Macruadh?" The chief answered with a nod. "I have other daughters to settle not to mention my sons," pursued the great little man, " but but I will find a time to talk the matter over with Mrs. Palmer, and see what I can do for you. Meanwhile you may reckon you have a friend at court; all I have seen makes me judge well of you.

Doubtless most of the youth's ancestors would likewise have held such labour unworthy of a gentleman, and would have preferred driving to their hills a herd of lowland cattle; but this, the last Macruadh, had now and then a peep into the kingdom of heaven.

I belong to you, and you belong to me, and I am taking you home to my mother." At the word, silence fell, not on the lips, but on the soul of the raving prophetess: the chief she loved, his mother she feared. "Set me down, Macruadh!" she pleaded in gentle tone. "Don't carry me to her empty-handed!

Donal shoemaker rose, unpuckered his face, slackened the purse-strings of his mouth, and said, "Where my chief goes, I will go; where my chief lives, I will live; and where my chief is buried, God grant I may be buried also, with all my family!" He sat down, covered his face with his hands, and wept and sobbed. One voice rose from all present: "We'll go, Macruadh! We'll go! Our chief is our home!"

"It is so delightful," said Ian at length, "to come out of the motion and the heat and the narrowness into the still, cold greatness!" "You seemed to be enjoying yourself pretty well notwithstanding, Captain Macruadh!" "What made you think so?" he asked, turning to her with a smile.

Oh for the day when God and not the king shall be regarded as the fountain of honour. But the Macruadh looked upon the calling of the brewer or distiller as from the devil: he was not called of God to brew or distil! From childhood his mother had taught him a horror of gain by corruption. Offences must come, therefore I will do them!"